Sussify web pages with this amazing add-on! Changes every image on all opened tabs to an among us picture.
1 user
Hue Fire
Adds a color picker to the extension icon bar that can work with HCL. A tool designed for professional (web) designers/artists. The focus is currently on functionality, not intuitiveness. Later development stages may change that.
1 user
Extensry is a cool browser extension that lets you add your main task for the day. There is an option to add todo as well and background image changes on page reload.
1 user
BlackFox Bot for Instagram™
BlackFox helps you grow your Instagram™ account naturally and also clean it from people you don't want to follow anymore.
1 user
Blaze Suppressor
Replaces the phrase "blazingly fast" with even sillier phrases.
1 user
Customizable extension for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> website that enchants the browsing experience.
1 user
MCBBS Extender
优化, 美化MCBBS v2体验 这个插件可以帮助你在MCBBS: 美化代码块样式 后台轮询新消息,并在后台提示您 板块页点击"下一页"按钮记住当前页码 美化右侧回到顶部按钮 将顶栏固定在顶部 美化顶部弹出菜单 整一个玻璃质感勋章 快速搭建召唤阵,一键@一堆人. 在每一层和每一用户页增加查看警告按钮,快速对线 移除外链警告等待时间,直接跳转 在举报时提供更多自定义理由 在快速回复时使用个人签名档 优化图片缩放功能 自定义CSS 自定义右上角工具链接 以及更多!
1 user
Gitlab Markdown Focus
Hide all other parts in Gitlab except markdown viewer for easier printing
1 user
SpaceX Animated New Tab
Simple New Tab for SpaceX Fans (with animation speed control)
1 user clock warning
Changes <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> color behind the chessboard to let you know that you have less time left than your oponent
1 user
PnaPna CRM
PnaPna is a powerful CRM Project Management Tool
1 user
Use it as you like it, a better css for youtube
1 user
Seasoned TrainerRoad
Edit and download workouts on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1 user
Youtube Shorts Toggle
Adds a button that allows you to toggle shorts on or off in your subscriptions box
1 user
JIRA Standup Mode
Standup mode to show kanban board with more vertical space
1 user
WBR_K's Launcher
Overrides the new tab with WBR_K's Launcher.
1 user
Twitter Logged Out
Allows you to use twitter freely while being logged out, no more annoying pop ups asking you to log in.
1 user
Clean Number
Clean Number strips non numbers and spaces from text for digit only copy and paste.
1 user
CC dashboard
A browse extension extending capabilities of the Custom Command dashboard
1 user
Youtube Without the distractions
1 user
Punycode Tooltips
Displays hovering tooltips with the Punycode format of hyperlinks in order to minimize the risk of IDN homograph attacks.
1 user
Logo Switcher
Switch logo of the bird-logo site's logo to the original.
1 user
The Owl Twitter
Customize your twitter with The Owl House theme
1 user
Senior Dev Contribution Graph Editor
Show off your contributions on GitHub.
1 user
Hide YT comments by default
Hides YouTube comments by default, also hides youtube shorts recommendations
1 user