Github Activity Indicator
The plugin augments links to Github repositories. It appends a little box which shows the number of days since the last commit to that repository. It's only active on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
1 user
Readable Wikipedia
Truncates the line width of wikipedia articles to make them readable on large screens
1 user
Repairs the notes feature on google maps print functionality.
1 user
Hide Checkmarks
removes verification checkmarks from youtube
1 user
Découragé.e par le SUTOM du jour ? Cette extension peut vous donner le petit coup de pouce dont vous avez besoin.
1 user
Wordle Anwser "Helper"
Displays the correct answer as the title of the game.
1 user
Slick Viewer
Slick Viewer, a distraction-free image viewer for your browser.
1 user
steamID simple copy
Выводим steamID на странице Steam профиля в удобном формате с кнопкой для копирования Позволяет копировать SteamID , копировать в формате SteamID "Nickname" и копировать просто ссылку на Steam профиль
1 user
LeetCode AC Count
A web extension that displays solved count for each difficulty of any tag in <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1 user
Autentique Link
Open a link in Incognito mode with autentique
1 user
Flow Playground Enhancer
This extension is used to add some missing functionality to Flow Playground
1 user
HangWhereby Push to Talk
Push to Talk on Call in Hangouts or Wherebay, using the letter 'K', 'Z' or 'Space'.
1 user
Działowi newsowemu na fw podziękujemy
Usuwa kontent newsowy z filmwebu, ogólnie wszystko oprócz paska u góry <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1 user
Improved Naver Map. 네이버 지도에서 위치를 이동할 때마다 생기는 방문기록을 자동으로 삭제하고, 맨 마지막 위치 기록과 장소 기록만 남깁니다.
1 user
Reader view add-on that does more than clean up web pages for better reading: Highlights key phrases in a text, and provides links to Wikipedia articles and Google searches of these phrases.
1 user
Changes the way grades are shown.
1 user
Shows Bitchute videos in YouTube's recommended section.
1 user
Some tools to help you find you desired job in `<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>`. Includs usable information about each project and employer, exchange budget, IP filtering, etc. More information: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1 user
1 user
Gregmat random GRE word
Random GRE words on opening new tab
1 user
Google Be Gone
Removes googles consent thingy
1 user
Fast Finger Vaccinate Me
automatically fill data on cowin portal to speed up covid vaccine slot booking
1 user
VS code Text Completer
Completes your text, inspired by the VS code text completer
1 user
Emotes for streaming website
1 user