Dark Codechef
This extension will add elegant dark theme to Codechef website. It also add a custom input output copy button on the problem page.
1 user
V-Blocker, An Amazing Ad Blocker!
1 user
WAGBPro fornece as versões mais recentes do aplicativo Whatsapp GB em dispositivos Android e iOS. As instruções de instalação detalhadas são para fazer o download do aplicativo.
1 user
Autentique Link
Open a link in Incognito mode with autentique
1 user
LeetCode AC Count
A web extension that displays solved count for each difficulty of any tag in <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/38bfcd362f1787de4f850620bfd49db1b26c8fb561bd46a4f5572949df99d104/http%3A//leetcode.com" rel="nofollow">leetcode.com</a>
1 user
Slick Viewer
Slick Viewer, a distraction-free image viewer for your browser.
1 user
Clear VK
Remove list of recommendations on the <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/fa3a308590ab771d6836775d60db2b2f5d13989e030af32cfcc2a5adb5d9f4d6/http%3A//vk.com" rel="nofollow">vk.com</a> website.
1 user
Twitter 24-hour clock
24-hour clock format for Twitter.
1 user
Wordle Anwser "Helper"
Displays the correct answer as the title of the game.
1 user
MTV’s Jerzdays
Jersey Shore Family Vacation is BACK with new episodes on MTV every Thursday… we mean every Jerzday! To celebrate, we’re helping you OFFICIALLY turn your Thursdays into JERZdays.
1 user
Fira Github
Github code snippets & files made legible-er.
1 user
XKCD Enchancer
This extension displays an explain button on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3cb03af7729ddc36fb15b84703f687417447c6037b2312e2afb63eecb7e09e65/http%3A//xkcd.com" rel="nofollow">xkcd.com</a> (both mobile and dekstop), and redirects to <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/1a435bddcd45a414d64eb628504d9ea663802d9638fc1b5e462d4cdf29d3740c/http%3A//m.xkcd.com" rel="nofollow">m.xkcd.com</a>, if the device is mobile.
1 user
Add Sorting to RBN Move Tables
1 user
TvTime Open in App Remover
Removes the "Open in App" section of the left navigation bar from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/da2018526cca6a6b8a43ac76672ec127f466793d1ddadeaa1c60c8d6cdf4a1b7/https%3A//www.tvtime.com/" rel="nofollow">https://www.tvtime.com/</a>
1 user
Twitch chat old chatbox height
Sets old chatbox height in twitch chat
1 user
Fix Hacker News' block formatting
1 user
Force twitter to use the old interface. Make sure to delete the data for twitter
1 user
Block ClickBate Thumbnails
A handy extension for blocking those annoying click-bait thumbnails on YouTube. Install and with one click those cringe-y images are gone from your YouTube. Instead some gorgeous stock imagery is left behind.
1 user
Hides articles about COVID-19. We all take the current pandemic very seriously and have adapted our lifestyles accordingly. Shouldn't we focus on our physical and mental wellbeing instead of spending a whole afternoon tracking death statistics?
1 user
steamID simple copy
Выводим steamID на странице Steam профиля в удобном формате с кнопкой для копирования Позволяет копировать SteamID , копировать в формате SteamID "Nickname" и копировать просто ссылку на Steam профиль
1 user
Découragé.e par le SUTOM du jour ? Cette extension peut vous donner le petit coup de pouce dont vous avez besoin.
1 user
Moodle De-Clutterer
Gets Rid Of Clutter on Moodle - Removes Non-Current Classes
1 user
Lightweight, minimal extension that alphabetizes tabs by URL
1 user
Google Search UI Chooser
Note: In late 2019, Google removed some of their available UIs, so not all options are functioning anymore.
1 user