A perfect 'New tab' extension for your Firefox browser.
0 users
A web extension to convert number for Thai lovers.
0 users
russia's true name BETA
Replaces words like "russia", "russian" etc to more truthful names!
0 users
Can scan websites and protects its users using AI
0 users
Makes it dark.
0 users
Highlights the most watched parts in YouTube-videos
0 users
New Tab Redirecter
Go addons option and type your new tab site and replace your new tab.
0 users
Training: Impoved Dark Theme
Extension for <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/1492021ad2439fc674d3c90b84df742100e265f6c0df830237df8c492fdfedf1/http%3A//forum.training-server.com" rel="nofollow">forum.training-server.com</a>. Changing default dark theme to new.
0 users
Youtube Reminders
Put messages and links on your Youtube home page to remind you of things you want to do. You need DF youtube for it to be visible.
0 users
- A quote of the day that changes each day - A simple, non-distracting experience when opened - No notifications or pop-ups - A wide range of quotes, including those related to motivation, self-improvement, learning and growth - A sour
0 users
Lesje weg
Veranderd kleuren en randjes van de tabellen op de website
0 users
HTTP Cat Tabs
Replaces new tab pages with a radom <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c8650c8a62e19fd32eaeaf4cbabd6aa4db949445a819da618d8f6ac0d1a53060/http%3A//http.cat" rel="nofollow">http.cat</a> status
0 users
My CPS Top Pages
It shows the most visited sites in a browser action
0 users
Media Mist
Werbeanzeigenblocker für Facebook und Youtube Videos.
0 users
LiveGamers.pl 2024
Rozszerzenie usprawniające działanie serwisu <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d44326ce3044cd8e3646181783a351e389fed572b04ff5cc2d2af375f2b3fbbc/http%3A//LiveGamers.pl" rel="nofollow">LiveGamers.pl</a>.
0 users
ToDo.ext is an extension with which you can set your main/focus task of the day and also create your own todo list.
0 users
Moore’s Voting Algorithm
This algorithm is used for an element that repeats more than n/2 times n is the size of the array for this element that has to repeat continuously so that is the key approach for this algorithm
0 users
It's joever
Replaces all instances of "over" with "joever" and all instances of "över" with "jöver" on webpages.
0 users
Koalas images - Custom New Tab
Replace your NewTab page with Koalas
0 users
Steven Universe Sunset Scenery
Enjoy a tranquil and heartwarming scene with this serene sunset background
0 users
ТЕСТ. конвертация тенге в рубли на сайте компании kz.amway по курсу который задает пользователь.
0 users
Mystic Island
Immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of Mystic Island
0 users
Cette extension retire quelques éléments indésirables du nouveau site du journal <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/df6713b8de9963e066c5e07c3bf474231aa63310af49a4bfa7ddfd9165e40348/http%3A//lemonde.fr">lemonde.fr</a>
0 users
Yüzde Hesaplayıcı
Pratik <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/dbb99950e2982cb83e39fdf2e015f51dd7fe6a05379c6ccd87515f01ceca63f0/https%3A//hesaplac.com/arac/%3Fi=yuzde" rel="nofollow">Yüzde hesaplama</a> aracı. Çeşitli formüllerle yüzde hesaplayın.
0 users
수용소 모바일 페이지 유저 차단
수용소(<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d57bf44433803151ee79f6f3590a91a6c73290f4c9f5bbb78451530c68fd994c/https%3A//suyong.so/%29%EC%97%90%EC%84%9C" rel="nofollow">https://suyong.so/)에서</a> 보기 싫은 유저들을 차단할 수 있습니다. 글/댓글/알림목록상에서 차단됩니다. 모바일 수용소 페이지에서만 정상 동작합니다. This addon hides posts and comments written by the users whom you don't want to see in Suyongso. Works ONLY with mobile Suyongso webpages.
0 users