Courier Tracking Finder
Courier Tracking Finder will help it's user to track the current location of their parcel quickly.Users just have to put their tracking number, which the relative courier has assigned to them, in the box and they will know all the details.
0 users
Шоб шо
Replace every letter "щ" with "ш"
0 users
A perfect 'New tab' extension for your Firefox browser.
0 users
A web extension to convert number for Thai lovers.
0 users
russia's true name BETA
Replaces words like "russia", "russian" etc to more truthful names!
0 users
Can scan websites and protects its users using AI
0 users
Training: Impoved Dark Theme
Extension for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. Changing default dark theme to new.
0 users
Adds wages to all ams job offers.
0 users
Youtube Reminders
Put messages and links on your Youtube home page to remind you of things you want to do. You need DF youtube for it to be visible.
0 users
- A quote of the day that changes each day - A simple, non-distracting experience when opened - No notifications or pop-ups - A wide range of quotes, including those related to motivation, self-improvement, learning and growth - A sour
0 users
Lesje weg
Veranderd kleuren en randjes van de tabellen op de website
0 users
migrant to expat
Replaces the term 'migrant' (and its cognates) with 'expat' (and its cognates). Derivative of cloud-to-butt.
0 users
HTTP Cat Tabs
Replaces new tab pages with a radom <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> status
0 users
My CPS Top Pages
It shows the most visited sites in a browser action
0 users
Media Mist
Werbeanzeigenblocker für Facebook und Youtube Videos.
0 users
Cette extension retire quelques éléments indésirables du nouveau site du journal <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
0 users
Yüzde Hesaplayıcı
Pratik <a href="" rel="nofollow">Yüzde hesaplama</a> aracı. Çeşitli formüllerle yüzde hesaplayın.
0 users
Pioneer Badge Re-adder
This addon is for all the Pioneers that lost their forum badges when Rare launched the Insider programme. It re-adds our badge, with a different icon (since the Insider programme is using our old icon)
0 users
A dark mode made by Sparksammy.
0 users
Royal Flush
Automatically removes unimportant information concerning monarchies from most news agencies.
0 users
Shut Up, Github!
Removes the notification icon from the GitHub topbar.
0 users
Mr. Check
Automatically checks the squash and delete branch boxes on new GitLab merge requests
0 users
Learn and work undistracted on Youtube.
0 users
The Eye looks darkness.
Adjust the entire web page to any darkness. It is kind to eyes.
0 users
Changes "Australian Christian Lobby" to "Australian Dickhead Lobby".
0 users