TST Active Tab in Collapsed Tree
Provides UI to show last active tab in a collapsed tree in Tree Style Tab.
200 users
Philips Hue lighting system management
199 users
BetterBluesky - Trends & more
Improve your Bluesky experience! Add Trending Topics, improve design and more!
199 users
Tapas RSS Button
A webextension that adds an RSS feed button on https://tapas.io webcomic pages
199 users
Quran Tab
Quran Tab is an Islamic new tab page that will keep you inspired by a verse from the Quran every time you open a new tab. This is a ported version of the Google Chrome Extension. I did not create this extension, nor did I create the Chrome version.
198 users
FACEIT Leetify rating
A small extension that displays leetify ratings on FACEIT.
198 users
Adds a preview button to the items on the Steam points shop to showcase them on YOUR profile.
198 users
Tree Style Tab in Separate Window
Open Tree Style Tab's sidebar page in a new window.
197 users
Simple Copy-Paste Boxes
A simple Copy-Paste Notepad for making copy-pasting the same thing easy. Saves text values and allows you to copy them to the clipboard.
197 users
BigTube - Better Youtube Theater Mode & More
Full-sized theater mode, miniplayer on scroll, Popout player for all video sites.
197 users
JadeShip.com Extension
My Agent Extension - automatically convert all links on reddit and yupoo to your favorite agent; enrich the page with online information, sales statistics and QC pictures. Works with all shopping agents and the Weidian, Taobao and 1688 marketplaces.
197 users
Merges your tabs into one location to save memory usage and increase your productivity.
197 users
Cycle Last Used Tabs
Cycle through last used tabs using keyboard shortcut.
197 users
Assets CDN
197 users
Gmail Conversation Reversal
Reverse the display of emails in Gmail threads, show the latest email at top.
197 users
解除『考滿分』區域限制 A Chrome and Firefox extension that bypasses KMF region restriction.
197 users
Mixcloud Tracklist
Display tracklists on Mixcloud
196 users
e621 Subscriptions
Adds Watched/Subscribe feature to e621.net
195 users
Old Roblox Logo
Replace the new Roblox logo with the old one.
195 users
Next Page
Displays the next page by incrementing the last number in URL.
195 users
Helyesírás-ellenőrzés a http://helyesiras.mta.hu oldalon a böngészőben kijelölt szavakra jobb gombbal kattintva megjelenő menüpont, vagy az eszközsávon található gomb segítségével.
194 users
Search Highlighter
Search and highlight keywords in any page via toolbar popup.
194 users
Searchable ChatGPT: search chat history
Search ChatGPT conversation history instantly. Fully local and private. Press Ctrl-Shift-L or sidebar Button
194 users
Better Pronote
Ajoute de nouvelles options pour Pronote
194 users
This extension shows information about a web page's HTML elements as you hover over them. The details are displayed in a text stripe at the top of the screen. Clicking on the text stripe will toggle it between top and bottom placement.
193 users