Audio Converter
Convert any audio file to selected formats (i.e. mp3) inside your browser!
183 users
Fake YouTube premium
It changes the YouTube logo to Premium logo to fake having YouTube Premium
183 users
Smart Drawing
Easy and fast drawing with smart drawing addon (uses Google AutoDraw)
182 users
Vertical Tree Tabs
Display your tabs in a sidebar.
182 users
Thingiverse ++
Enhance your experience with auto login, better infinite scrolling, a modern design and several bugfixes.
182 users
Urdu for Web
Nastaleeq Font For Web - Supports Google, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp , Wikipeadia and many other websites which support Urdu language tag or RTL direction.
181 users
WP Hive - A better WordPress Repository
Get useful metrics such as the impact on memory usage & pagespeed, PHP errors, warning, Javascript issues, PHP compatibility, latest WordPress version compatibility, database footprint, activation error, and more right from the WordPress repository
181 users
Tab Numbering
This extension writes the tab number to the first eight tabs, the ones accessible with ctrl/cmd + number. See for source code and for filing bug reports.
181 users
Leetcode-Premium-X is a Firefox addon which can be used by anyone who are preparing for technical interviews or improving their coding skills on the LeetCode platform.
180 users
AirReview: Airbnb Investment & Hosting Tools
AirReview makes it easier for Airbnb hosts and vacation rental investors to see every Airbnb’s average income & other important metrics. The Guest Review tool also helps you with screening guests too.
180 users
Click to Call
A lightweight extension that enables 'Click to Call' by converting phone numbers into clickable links.
180 users
Hide Promoted Jobs
Hides promoted job postings on LinkedIn's job search pages.
180 users
Tab Cookie Remover
Remove all cookies for the active tab with just one click.
179 users
An extension which gives the option to skip anime intros, openings and endings on various streaming sites
178 users
Fandom SideBar Remover
Remove Side bar from Fandom Wiki
178 users
Comfort On-Screen Keyboard Pro Extension
Brings up the on-screen keyboard when entering text input fields. Comfort On-Screen Keyboard Pro software has to be installed and running: download on-screen keyboard
177 users
SilveOS - free to use internet operating system or webtop. It provides a cross-platform environment similar to that of Windows inside web browser.
177 users
Generator danych testowych
Generator polskich danych testowych umożliwiający wygenerowanie: NIP, REGON, PESEL, IBAN, KRS, EAN, serii i nr DOWODU OSOBISTEGO, nr karty kredytowej, domyślnego tekstu w różnych długościach, ciągu znaków, danych z pliku CSV oraz danych użytkownika.
177 users
Hide Feed
Get things done without distractions.
177 users
Invert Image color
The add-on inverts color of an image or color of any part of a page. Changes white color to black, for comfortable night time reading. Click on element second time to toggle inversion.
177 users
stop youtube ads
for stop youtube ads!
177 users
Remove Twitter View Count
Removes the stupid Twitter view counters added by Musk.
176 users
やっぱり Noto Sans
ウェブページ上の読みづらいフォントを、読みやすい Noto Sans に置き換えます。
176 users
URL として開く
選択したテキスト内に含まれる URL を、コンテキストメニューから新規タブで開きます。h 抜きなど、プロトコルのない URL も https か http に補完して開きます。選択した URL を一時的に記憶して、あとでまとめて開くこともできます。
176 users
Play the snake right on your screen, take a quick break without even looking away from work. PS: This will not work on
176 users