1337x Magnet Links +
Adds magnet links with trackers and movie ratings to 1337x.
160 users
Wide GPT
Scale ChatGPT output to 100% width. Source in description. Note: ChatGPT answer space is only increased if ChatGPTs sidebar is extended.
160 users
File Manager
Use browser to manager local files
160 users
Open in UDM (uGet Download Manager)
Open in uGet Download Manager extension replaces default download manager by uGet Download Manager.
159 users
Workona New Tab
This extension requires a Workona account. Find your work faster with the Workona New Tab. You’ll be able to easily access your workspaces and search all of your tabs in Firefox.
159 users
Australis-like refresh in URL bar
Adds a refresh button in the URL bar. Icon is CC-BY-SA 4.0 by Twitter user trumpikas.
159 users
Find on mapy.cz
Finds selected text on czech map server https://mapy.cz/ . It simply just opens a new tab with the search results. It is for you who are using mapy.cz and find it annoying to copy&paste the text. Use keyword @mapy for search engine.
159 users
Radio player
Popular Russian online radio stations player.
159 users
Tomato Tomato is a minimalistic productivity/work-flow management extension. Its concept revolves around working for a set amount of time, then taking a short break before working again. During work sessions, user-specified websites are blocked.
158 users
Emotes Everywhere
See custom emotes on any site.
158 users
This extension makes web site monochrome.
158 users
Close Other Windows
Adds a button to close all tabs in other windows which are not pinned
157 users
Feedly Notifier Plus
Feedly Notifier Plus is a badged powered toolbar notifier for feedly.com, a productive way to organize, read and share the content of your favorite feeds, blogs and news sites.
157 users
Toggle Native Tab Bar
This addon, with a little help from some css, shows or hides the native tab bar when the user wants.
157 users
YT don't scroll on fullscreen
Simple extension for Firefox that removes scrolling functionality while playing fullscreen YouTube video.
157 users
Dark Mode
Dark Theme For Websites
156 users
Better YouTube Theatre Mode
Improves YouTube's theater mode by making use of all of the available height.
156 users
AliExpress Invoice Generator - AliInvoice™️
AliInvoice™️ Converts AliExpress order details into an invoice ready to print!
156 users
Display big images in OpenSeadragon to enable zoom and pan.
155 users
Spell checker and Grammar checker by Scribens
A powerful, free spelling and grammar checker. Scribens corrects over many types of grammar mistakes and detects repetitions, run-on sentences, redundancies, etc. Languages: English, French.
155 users
Open pictures and videos in tabs and download them all at once.
155 users
VS Code for the Web
Opens VS Code for the Web (vscode.dev) in Firefox. Select text and open the context menu to search with either GitHub Code Search or StackOverflow.
155 users
Inkscape editor for draws and graphics
Create or edit vector graphics such as illustrations, diagrams, line arts, charts, logos and complex paintings
154 users
Github Download Button
Adds a download button on Github files
154 users
Youtube Playback Speed Buttons
Control speed of the youtube playback using keyboard. Press '>>' button to increase and '<<' button to decrease the playback speed.
153 users