Replace images with pictures of Nicholas Cage. What isn't there to love?
24 users
Mo'Kick - Better Kick For Everyone
Better Kick for everyone. Chat Enhancements, Video Enhancements, Advanced Giveaway, Drawing Game, and so many more features to list!
24 users
ONX RP Alerts
Get real-time alerts for your position in the ONX RP queue.
24 users
Pennant Wars Toolkit
A set of tools for the game Pennant Wars. If you're inclined to support the ongoing development of PWTK, you can donate here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
24 users
WCL Threat Link
Link Warcraft logs to TBCC threat graph
24 users
Dbased - based Dlive
Dbased, the Dlive companion. Add some cool features to Dlive, including adding unlimited stickers. More coming soon!
24 users
Youtube Video Looper
Adds a Checkbox to the Youtube Video your watching, which loops the video when ticked. If the checkbox doesn't appear try to start the video or reload the page.
24 users
A Foxhole tool that connects to FoxholeHQ to get the latest Foxhole Statistics and War Information.
24 users
EducationPack Education system
Programs for education, science, programming and any educational process.
24 users
Flappy Basketball
An addictive basketball game. Toss the ball into the basket and score as high as you can.
24 users
Puzzle Creator
Creates a sliding puzzle from any image. Just right-click on the image and select the 'Puzzle Creator' option.
24 users
Save the ChatGpt voice
Save the ChatGpt voice audio to your computer
24 users
Skribbl It list s the most likely words in <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
24 users
Roblox 'Favorites' shortcut
Adds a shortcut to your favourites on the Roblox website's left navigation menu.
24 users Ad Mute
Automatically mutes Twitch tabs when video ads start playing and unmutes the tab when the video ads stop.
24 users
Get Pokemon Information - Developed By Anshuman Sharma
24 users
Quickly download osu! beatmaps via bloodcat mirror.
24 users
Blokování hnoje na webu.
24 users
X-Change Life helper
X-Change Life helper - add sidebar with helper buttons
24 users
Campagne honnête 2022
L'actualité politique vous déprime ? Rendez les internets plus rigolos avec cette extension !
24 users
Twitch Clips Downloader
It allows you to download Twitch clips with a simple click.
24 users
3x YouTube Speed
Increase YouTube video speed up to 3x. Use Shortcut keys Q, W, E, R, D to change speeds between 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x, 3x.
24 users
Intruder Notifications
Check for online Intruder players! Get notifications and information about Intruder and its servers. Badge icon also lets you know how many players are in-game at a glance.
23 users
GW2 Wiki Dark Mode
Enable the wiki's Vector dark theme automatically when loading a page without being logged in.
23 users
xQc Status Indicator
Get real-time updates on xQc’s live streams on Twitch and Kick
23 users