Volume Scroll
Scrollable volume for any video on the internet
21 users
Board Centralizer
Centralize every chessboard on all chess.com webpages.
21 users
A simple extension to send digital rolls from D&D Beyond to EncounterPlus
21 users
Geoguessr Plus
This extension adds extra accessibility functions to Geoguessr.
21 users
Snake Game for Golden Age
Easy Play Snake Game for Golden Age for your browser.
21 users
RotoGrinders Basketball Reference
This extension from RotoGrinders.com adds Daily Fantasy score columns to the Per Game and Per 36 Minutes stat tables on basketball-reference.com. Currently supports scoring for FanDuel, DraftStreet, DraftKings, and StarStreet.
21 users
South Park Enhancer
Adds useful features for enjoying South Park on the official website
21 users
An extension that allow you to use the Kaguya website on Firefox.
21 users
Pomodur – Brutally Simple Pomodoro Focus Timer
The minimalist Pomodoro timer that keeps you on track, no fluff, just results.
21 users
Bernie PB
Updates your Bernie PB call stats as you use the Bernie dialer.
21 users
youtube timer
My youtube watching behavior beta: For the moment, it shows how much time you have been watching Youtube and notifies you on a periodic basis that you specify on the options page.
21 users
Firefox add-on for RaspberryCast
20 users
Pardus Sweetener
User interface enhancements for the online game Pardus
20 users
New Eden Word Bank (NEWB)
Provides definitions for acronyms and terms used in the game EVE Online
20 users
YouTube Star Rating
The ultimate rating system for YouTube.
20 users
Ceibal Library Reader
Catalog of books downloaded from the Ceibal Library
20 users
YouTube Nyan Cat - Meow Meow
Animated Nyan Cat progress bar theme for YouTube!
20 users
Play classic Pokemon minigame Voltorb-Flip on your browser whenever you want! In this minesweeperXcrisscrossXpokemon your goal is to find in each level all the x2s and x3s without selecting any of the hidden Voltorbs in the level.
20 users
Maze Game Popup
A popup maze game to play when you are bored.
20 users
Dlive Xtra Stickers
Adds extra sticker slots to Dlive
20 users
Twitch chest collector
Automatically collects loot bonus on twitch channels. You can also see how many chests you collected on each twitch account in a popup.
20 users
TcNo Rust Drop Assistant
A simple Open-source extension to extend Twitch Drop functionality. Full project source available here: https://github.com/TcNobo/TcNo-Rust-Drop-Assistant Helps users see which items they have claimed after watching Twitch streams on Facepunch site
20 users
GPX creator Switzerland
Enables easy creation of GPX files from WGS coordinates obtained from the online Swisstopo map
20 users
I Hear You Twitch
Plays a sound when new message comes in Twitch chat.
20 users
Brick Hill+
Adds features around the Brick Hill website to make navigating, talking, customizing avatars, and more much easier.
20 users