Lyncis Resizer
It resizes the browser window to the specified position and size, or open it to the specified position and size.
35 users
Adds a context menu item to send selected text to ilo
35 users
Bandwidth Analyzer
A tool that helps you analyze used data to help you not exceed your monthly data cap, It's NOT yet in its full capabilities!
35 users
Open YouTube maxresdefault Thumbnail
No longer supports upgrade . Please see On YouTube Player page, in address bar is adding icon. Click it and open new Tab with maxresdefault.jpg
35 users
Send text and links from your browser, on right click, to EasyJoin app
35 users
ChatGPT Continue Generating Auto-Clicker
Enhance your ChatGPT experience with automated 'Continue generating' button click.
35 users
Udemy Speedup
Enhance your Udemy experience with custom playback rates and quick adjustments using '[' and ']' keys. Skip the 'Up Next' screen, lengthy intros, and outros effortlessly. Give it star on the github repo if you use it :)
35 users
For Firefox Android Nightly Edition (You don't need this if you're using PC). Heavily based on FoxScroller. Auto scroll web pages with fully adjustable speed.
35 users
Serves the purpose to manage a portfolio of shares.
35 users
Get instant rhymes for any word or term that hits you anywhere on the web!
35 users
Content MathML Polyfill
Converter from content MathML to presentation MathML
35 users
ServiceNow Toggle NavBar
Addess bar icon that toggles the ServiceNow NavBar when clicked The icon will be visible only when on **
35 users
Manage your Mixin Messenger accounts without download apps. Inject accounts and allows sign transactions for a specific account.
35 users
Better Justel
Improves Belgian eJustice Justel website
35 users
CF static site enchancer
Enhances the static codeforces websites with additional features so that you get a complete environment during contests
35 users
Focus input element
Pressing the shortcut key moves the cursor to the text box on the Web page.
35 users
Kaplan Bar
Enhance your Kaplan Bar Review experience with AI-powered tools including instant essay grading, KapBot assistant, and more.
35 users
DeepL Translation
This is modified from And I switched the translator engine from Google to DeepL.
35 users
easyGestures N
Easy to learn gestures through a highly customizable pie menu.
35 users
Randoplan extension
Brings up with the route on the current page loaded.
35 users
RPN Calculator
This extension adds a convenient reverse Polish notation (RPN) calculator as a browser action button. Also called postfix, RPN calculators take their operators after the operands. If you've used HP calculators, this extension is for you.
35 users
Quick Proxy Toggle
Proxy Toggle alternative that toggles between your normal proxy settings and no proxy. Supports PAC URL!
35 users
Symantec Authentication Client Dev Extension
Messaging API between web pages and Symantec PKI Client
35 users
35 users
Quizlet Automator
This extension automatically completes Quizlet's 'Write Mode'
35 users