google image 右鍵搜
Seacrhes the selected text on goolge image
33 users
ViewerJS WE
Allows you to view documents using ViewerJS.
33 users
Remove Twitter Timeline
Firefox add-on that removes the timeline on Twitter
33 users
Sandbox Version
Shows your Salesforce sandbox version next to your sandbox host
33 users
shelter injector
Injects the shelter client mod for discord. (
33 users
Add to Bookmax - Online Bookmark Manager
Add bookmarks to your Bookmax account, an online bookmark manager to store bookmarks, lists, contacts, memos, notes and more online. FREE and PREMIUM version. It has hierarchical folders, statistics and thumbnails (premium) and many more tools.
33 users
Set the focus on search boxes without using the mouse, just pressing Esc key
33 users
Stock Quote Hub for Google Finance
Add quick links from Google Finance stock quote to another sources.
33 users
Han - Pinyin - Chinsese translation
Transcript from Chinese into Han, Pinyin and translate into a language.
33 users
Diff the network traffic in real-time to observe the URLs variant over time.
33 users
Simple Highlighter
An easy to use tool to highlight any page content and save it to markdown or plain text formats.
33 users
Close Other Similar Tabs
Close all other similar tabs from same host. Shows tab count as well. Requires minimum permission.
33 users
Single key shortcuts
Adds single key shortcuts for tab switching. 1 switches to previous tab in the window 2 switches to next tab in the window Pressing the actionbutton can temporarily disable the functionallity for the current tab, in case it breaks the site.
32 users
VIEW: language learning on any webpage
VIEW is an intelligent computer-assisted language learning (ICALL) system designed to provide language learning activity resources.
32 users
Removes the Paywall from AMS
32 users
Hydrus Save
Send links to Hydrus Network.
32 users
Let me copy
32 users
Subtle Tab
Personalized experience on new tabs for better productivity.
32 users
Download Tools - Multi threaded
Multi-threaded download utility with aria2 engine for your browser!
32 users
Chons Inventory Helper
An extension An extension that helps you list multiple items on steam, fast.that helps you list multiple items on steam, fast.
32 users
DTM Switch
Simple DTM Switch which listens to the localStorage values set by the Dynamic Tag Manager.
32 users
Bookmark 301 Updater
Automatically update bookmarks for permanently moved resources, while browsing
32 users
Save Page Now to the Wayback Machine
Easily save web pages to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine using Save Page Now
32 users
Udacity Front End Feedback
Immediate, visual feedback about any website's HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
32 users
Open source ShareLatex/Overleaf extension that adds features for an improved editing experience!
32 users