UnQuote for Gmail
Unquote text of previous mails from the reply
7 users
Custom Cursor Collections
Change the cursor with custom collections based on theme or website.
7 users
HeroTab Firefox Add On
7 users
Font Changer
Extension to change fonts on webpages
7 users
Enhancements for Garmin Connect
Upgrade your experience using Garmin Connect Web with an enhanced exercise search, filtering by muscle groups, previews, and more
7 users
ChatGPT Customizer
Customize ChatGPT web interface.
7 users
YouTube App Opener
Automatically opens the YouTube app when the YouTube website is loaded in the Firefox mobile browser instead of having to navigate to "Open in App" manually.
7 users
Squarespace Escape Suppressor
Disables Squarespace site's behavior of redirecting to login when Escape key is pressed.
7 users
Sign Tester
Simple extension to play around with minecraft signs
7 users
Minion Shimeji
Fun Minion characters play around on your Google page.
7 users
LoyalFans Downloader Toolkit
LoyalFans Downloader Toolkit
7 users
Makes meetup a lot more usable. Greatly reduces the bloat of meetup's ui and makes it easy to scroll through the pages. Adds autoscrolling. Dates of events are more legible
7 users
ESI testing extension
Extension allows to debug ESI sites
7 users
Group Tab
The new generation tab manager. Manage your tabs just like bookmarks. Archive or close a bunch of tabs in one click just like beast!
7 users
RS TaskGroup Browser Add-In
RS TaskGroup von der Raikosoft GmbH ist eine webbasierte Aufgaben- und Projektmanagement Software. Mit Hilfe dieser Erweiterung können Aufgaben per Link aus z.B. E-Mails in einem bereits angemeldeten RS TaskGroup-Webclient geöffnet werden.
7 users
ZChat Shortcuts
Provides custom shortcuts for ZenDesk Chat
7 users
Unlock Pixnet
Anti disabled right click and release contextmenu in <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ba4b720f76f1012fcad4d9b5d2cd0680bcc8679e0352d01f4a5f674b4440aa49/http%3A//Pixnet.net">Pixnet.net</a>
7 users
Entfernt diverse Genderisierungen wie *Innen, um den Lesefluss zu verbessern.
7 users
bangumi new wiki helper
提取 amazon jp, steam, getchu 等网站的信息,辅助创建 <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/95ee3ecbcdad1f8a4924580adfc78f4417a2b1eb74411bb181337a88cb44018c/http%3A//bgm.tv" rel="nofollow">bgm.tv</a> 上的条目。 支持 <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/95ee3ecbcdad1f8a4924580adfc78f4417a2b1eb74411bb181337a88cb44018c/http%3A//bgm.tv" rel="nofollow">bgm.tv</a> 条目的查重和图片的打码
7 users
isTest Block
Verhindert, dass isTest2 deine Maus auf der Seite trackt and ermöglicht es dir somit zu spicken.
7 users
AWS AlwaysON
Stay logged in to AWS console and get STS credentials for CLI access.
7 users
Skyward GPA Calculator
Adds GPA calculation to Skyward
7 users
编程学院 - 在线交互式编程学习平台。在几秒钟之内启动在线编程环境,超过70种预制编程环境可用,支持自定义编程环境,随处可用。 7天免费试用。
7 users
5 Second Refresher
Automatically refreshes the page every 5 seconds. Click the icon to start a tab refreshing. Click the icon again to stop it refreshing. As long as the tab is active it will be refreshed every 5 seconds.
7 users
YouTube Shorts Video Redirector
Redirects YouTube "Shorts" URLs to the original video.
7 users