bangumi new wiki helper
提取 amazon jp, steam, getchu 等网站的信息,辅助创建 <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 上的条目。 支持 <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 条目的查重和图片的打码
7 users
Myanimelist Review Score
Adds the review score/rating at the top of reviews on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
7 users
编程学院 - 在线交互式编程学习平台。在几秒钟之内启动在线编程环境,超过70种预制编程环境可用,支持自定义编程环境,随处可用。 7天免费试用。
7 users
messenger photos downloader
Adds a button to messenger to download all images and videos on a messenger conversation
7 users
Markdown Sticky Notes
A *Markdown* Sticky Note that can be used in web pages.
7 users
Energy Saver Mode
Reduce power consumption by dimming the screen and disabling unnecessary elements.
7 users
HAR File Viewer
View and analyze .har network log files directly in the browser.
7 users
Audible Cover Grabber
Get high resolution cover art from and iTunes
7 users
7 users
ChatGPT Prompt Engineer
This browser extension allows you to enhance your ChatGPT experience by providing predefined prompts and additional features.
7 users
Add your FACE to web page. Click the FACE icon and turn 'show' button on . The FACE image will follow your cursor. With clicking the FACE image, you can toggle the FACE stopped / moving. You can change the FACE image and the size.
7 users Search
Search for English-Japanese translations on <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
7 users
Pointez facilement directement depuis votre navigateur Internet
7 users
Famous As seen on TV - WinCleaner is now available as a free Firefox extension. In just one click you can safeguard your online usage privacy & prevent Internet clutter build up. Try it and if you like it visit us at <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> to see more!
7 users
---Currently not working--- Converts stories, or the submission description posted on <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> into a ePub.
7 users
Goodreads Drag-and-Drop Organizer
This extension allows to order sortable goodreads bookshelves via dragging
7 users
StreamCloud Pro Oficial
Redirecciona las urls <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> a <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> automaticamente.
7 users
Turn any form field into a powerful calculator!
7 users
Change user-agent to Mac version
7 users
Simple Grab Scroll 2
Grab scrolling extension. You can grab the document with the middle mouse button (scroll wheel button) and move the mouse cursor to scroll the document.
7 users
New Tab Snake AI
Replaces the default new tab page with an AI that plays Snake
7 users
skip youtube ads
Simule automatiquement le clique sur le bouton qui permet d'ignorer les publicités sur YouTube, ce qui a pour effet de passer la publicité en question. De cette manière, il n'est pas nécessaire d'utiliser de bloqueur de publicité.
7 users
Add a new dimension to your browsing ! When you search on the web, sometimes you need to find exactly the word or the sentence that appears in the result under the link and jump to the useful point of the page. FocusJUMP help you to easly do it !
7 users
The Official Plutio Extension
7 users
Keyword Density Checker
A Mozilla add-on that checks the keyword density of a web page.
7 users