Bug Report
This extension gets the browser details and writes a bug report.
3 users
Instantly generate a Wikipedia citation template for the current website.
3 users
PDV para WhatsApp Web
Automatize o atendimento do delivery com um PDV integrado ao WhatsApp Web.
3 users
EclecticIQ Threat Scout
Transform online information on cyber threats into AI-structured and STIX 2.1 compatible data to freely embed in your security tools.
3 users
TDRP's Cursors
An extension that changes the mouse cursor to my style of cursors.
3 users
Tab Focus Sound Notifier
Phát âm thanh nhỏ khi tab hiện tại của người dùng mất hoặc lấy lại tiêu điểm.
3 users
Web clipping for SiYuan
3 users
SI Grabber
This Add-on's taskbar icon opens any Supporting Information Files it can find in a new tab. For each domain e.g. <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/b3bcd028e4335b01205845555364395141532dc1ba916d2227952e7aff5d09de/http%3A//pubs.acs.org" rel="nofollow">pubs.acs.org</a> you need to allow pop-ups once. So far, only the major life science publishers are compatible...
3 users
MapChart HoI4 ID Tooltips
Appends state IDs to state names in HOI4 (States) MapChart tooltips.
3 users
Device Emulator Plus
Provides a comprehensive set of device profiles and emulation settings for accurately simulating the behavior and characteristics of specific mobile devices, improving the accuracy and realism of website testing.
3 users
Themis Extension
Making Themis bar prep a bit easier (Unofficial extension)
3 users
EpsilonNet Browser Extension
Provides a means of communication between EpsilonNet's web applications and EpsilonNet's Devices Manager.
3 users
True Patriot
An extension for fans of Metal Gear Solid. Changes instances of the word 'patriots' to 'la-li-lu-le-lo'. Works across all sites.
3 users
AddStats add-on for Basketball-Reference.com
Inserts a table of averages under Player Game Logs and Team Game Logs. By default, each game row contains season-to-date averages. Get averages for any set of consecutive games with one click. Quickly locate significant ‘Last N Games’ stats and more.
3 users
Super High School Level Browser Addon
Replaces all instances of "Ultimate" with "Super High School Level." Inspired by Danganronpa game franchise and "Drumpfinator".
3 users
Goolag Search
Replaces the Google logo on the main search page and while showing the results by a custom one, showing Goolag instead.
3 users
block cross origin request. subset of RequestPolicy (only temporary allow for origin).
3 users
Refresh the pages you want with the frequency you want.
3 users
Mozilla delete css element
3 users
Dribbble Color Generator
Grab color palettes on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/edccd9f5667a694d9f2a2878f34c09dc347c53f6b2f8131fe712059bec159aa1/http%3A//Dribbble.com">Dribbble.com</a> and generate a json file on user's Downloads folder for later importing into Sketch on Mac OSX
3 users
GitHub Issue Hoister
GitHub Issue Hoister helps answer, "Which PR fixes this GitHub issue?", by hoisting relevant commit info to the top of the issue. For more information, see the tutorial: <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/765540f9f39fc7bdfd472dd884add7e67e4a28cc810719464b96b0b8072c373f/https%3A//github.com/mcomella/github-issue-hoister/blob/master/docs/tutorial.md">https://github.com/mcomella/github-issue-hoister/blob/master/docs/tutorial.md</a>
3 users
Alex Filter
Operate Google Spreadsheet Filter with Keyboard Shortcut
3 users
Suspicious Quotes
Randomly adds quotation marks to websites for "comedic" effect.
3 users
Čitelné písmo v Seznam Emailu
Měním nečitelné písmo při použití tmavých témat na Seznam Emailu na čitelné.
3 users
Repl.it Classroom Export Tool
Export all of your <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/821c8a0341bc7a98e6fe954b0afbcad60cddae4ecf343182c2bea9588e848245/http%3A//Repl.it" rel="nofollow">Repl.it</a> Classroom data, including assignments, auto-grading configurations, submissions, and students instantly
3 users