Background Image Explorer
This add-on extends the functionality of the Firefox browser by adding a menu item that allows you to open a background image in a new tab.
3 users
SkipTo.js for Firefox
SkipTo.js for Firefox provides keyboard navigation to landmark regions and headings to meet WCAG 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks requirement.
3 users
Create a better interface for websites
3 users
Episode Tracker
Track the progress of your favorite TV Shows and Animes in a simple popup window.
3 users
YT Shorts To Regular Vids
YouTube Shorts turn into regular videos.
3 users
Der "Vodafon Station" Kabelrouter hat einen ziemlich nervigen Software Fehler. Das Popup um das WLAN Kennwort zu ändern hat einen fehlerhaften "Passwortstärke Check"... Dieses Addon löst das Problem!
3 users
A collection of utilities to enhance your online experience. [IMPORTANT]: By installing this extension you agree to several 3rd party terms. Please see the privacy policy.
3 users
dot js
dotjs for modern foxes If you install this: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> then browse to https://localhost:3131 and accept the certificate, then you'll be able to add a `.js` directory in your home directory for custom js. c:
3 users
Changes apologies to farts in Slack. Replaces variations of sorry/apology in messages
3 users
Open Bar
This is a set of tools to be used by Web Producers / Marketers
3 users
Block Cloudflare MITM Attack
Подчинитесь глобальному наблюдению или сопротивляйтесь. Выбор за вами.
3 users
This extension creates a real-time visualisation of your browsing activityMonitorito is an extension capturing and visualising all the requests being made by the browser. Users can see a graph of all the domains they have accessed via requests, along
3 users
Extension to open Salesforce links in Salesforce Console tabs. Ported from the original Chrome version. Sources for this extension: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
3 users
PTW Extender
Adds titles to your MyAnimeList, AniList, or Kitsu plan-to-watch/read list with the url of where you found the title added as a comment.
3 users
Change text or background color of any open tab
3 users
An automation tool for sending improvement proposals to the Japanese Government (Kantei). This extension works in '<a rel="nofollow" href="">'</a> that contains many templates on improving Japan in terms of Politics, Laws, Educations, etc.
3 users
StationLink Browser Connector
日本AVAYAで開発したコンタクトセンター向けソフトフォン「StationLink」とCRMアプリケーションのCTI連携を実現するためのアドオンです。 This Add-on enables CRM applications to communicate with StationLink, the CTI softphone developed by Avaya Japan for contact center use.
3 users
Swagger Autoload Plugin
It is what it is
3 users
Modify current page for printing.
3 users
Async Render Toolbox
Open source tools to debug your async render apps. Click on the icon to see the lag radar, Ctrl+R to show/hide full source available at <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
3 users
Zend Debugger Button
Launches basic Zend Debugger commands
3 users
Town of Salem - Support Tool
The Town of Salem Support Tool helps you keep track of the different roles during a ranked game! This tool helps you to keep track of unique roles and the different possible roles per category.
3 users
Omnibar youtube search
To search in youtube directly from omnibox, type "youtube ". e.g. "youtube cat videos"
3 users
Kairós Simulador
Permite que o usuário faça simulações no Kairós: Sistema de Ponto Eletrônico do MPF - Ministério Público Federal.
3 users
Enables keyboard navigation on YouTube
3 users