Send Link
Send links via customizable context menu entries as GET requests (mailto: is also supported).
62 users
K-NOW companion extension.
62 users
usi (User|Unified Script Injector)
use UserScripts on your Firefox for Android with usi!
62 users
DeepL search engine
Adds a DeepL search engine
61 users
Block Facebook Reels
Blocks suggested reels and the 'Reels and short videos' section on Facebook.
61 users
Search Rutracker (sort by number of seeds)
Search provider for Rutracker, results sorted by the number of seeds.
61 users
Star Citizen Bulk XPLORer
This extension adds Bulk funcitonality to the HangarXPLOR extension
61 users
Clippy MS Office assistant is now back to assist inside your browser! Add-on will add Clippy inside every website. Clippy will make random comments depending on the website. You can turn him off if he gets to grumpy, or back on if you need help!
61 users
Tempo Time Tracker
An extension that allows easily log time into the Tempo Jira plugin
61 users
Causes a clickable menu of current Bookmarks Toolbar items to appear when the mouse pointer is above the Firefox viewport (the area which displays web content).
61 users
Mail My Tabs
Email all open tabs in current window. Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + M.
61 users
Notion Helper
An extension to enhance your experience with Notion
61 users
CustomHits Surf Extension
Official Surf Extension - The easiest way to earn Traffic Minutes.
61 users
Open Reddit images directly
Forces images on and to open directly in the browser, rather than being embedded in a splash page.
61 users
ePadLink SigCaptureWeb Extension
The ePadLink SigCaptureWebSDK Firefox Extension enables users to capture signatures on ePadLink signature pads.
61 users
Beanfun Bypass
繞過Beanfun網頁檢測,讓火狐也能正常啟動遊戲 必須先安裝Beanfun plugin!Plugin_1.0.18.msi
61 users
Δείτε το Visibility Ranking κάθε ιστοτόπου που επισκέπτεστε.
61 users
Découvrez la Pastille Aidodys ! Adaptez vos pages web en 3 clics en fonction de vos difficultés de lecture ! Profitez d'une lecture plus rapide, plus compréhensible et moins fatigante !
61 users
PSud Navigation
Navigation entre les applications PSud
61 users
Bangs for Google
Use DuckDuckGo Bangs in the Google Search
61 users
Notion Canvas Assignment Import
Automatically import Canvas assignments into a Notion database.
61 users
Uncheck Radio Buttons
This extension allows users to uncheck radio buttons! Right-click any radio button to uncheck.
61 users
Removes gender stars and similar constructions that disturb the flow of reading, and replaces them with something else. Currently, only German constructions are handled.
61 users
SchnapperPlus ist ein Sniper-Software für eBay Auktionen. Dieses Addon übergibt die im Browser betrachtete Artikelseite an SchnapperPlus.
60 users
Wikipedia Copy Cleaner
Removes in-line citation numbers from the clipboard contents when copying text from Wikipedia.
60 users