Wikipedia Copy Cleaner
Removes in-line citation numbers from the clipboard contents when copying text from Wikipedia.
60 users
Command Palette for Firefox
Control Firefox with Sublime/helm-M-x style fuzzy complete. Use it from the omnibar with the ; search prefix, or trigger a pop-up with Ctrl+Space (keybinding is configurable).
60 users
Notepad Extension
Quickly take notes but clicking the extension icon to display the notepad popup.
60 users
Session Share
Mit diesem Plugin können Webseiten-Sessions geteilt werden
60 users
How Long to Read
Estimates how long it would take to read a web page
60 users
Drink Water
a simple extension to remind the user to drink water, from time to time, which will be defined by the user.
60 users
Rabbit Hole for YouTube™
Remove YouTube™ recommendations, comments, and more so you don't go down the rabbit hole again! Regards , Mohamad Samardeh Haghighi Fard
60 users
Sorted - keep bookmarks organized
Use this if you find yourself manually creating bookmark folders. Just enter the words commonly occurring in your bookmark titles and this extension will automatically create folders and move your bookmarks.
60 users
YesCaptcha assistant
reCaptcha/hCaptcha auto solver
59 users
XlsWork XLS editor for spreadsheets
Create and edit XLS spreadsheets with an editor online
59 users
A very simple Firefox addon that enables fuzzy search of browsing histories and bookmark and tab
59 users
Login overlay blocker
Disable login popup overlay when browsing a page on Pinterest or Facebook while not logged in
59 users
Op een privacy vriendelijke manier gegevens verzamelen binnen je persoonlijke omgeving.
59 users
douban Plus
豆瓣电影 资源下载, IMDB评分, MPAA 分级
59 users
My Reddit Companion
Best reddit companion on the web. Right click on maximize button to change direction.
59 users
Wikipedia Shortcut
Search wikipedia (any language) directly from the address bar. Set the default language in the extension's settings or use a language option (e.g. "wik operating system" or "wik -fr Victor Hugo")
59 users
Google Maps Timeline Export
Export your trips and mileage from Google Maps Timeline to Excel for your mileage tax deduction.
59 users
Coding Schedule
The main purpose of this extension is to make the competitive programming community aware about ongoing and upcoming contests from big platforms such as Atcoder, Codeforces, Codechef, Csacademy, Hackerearth, Hackerrank, Topcoder,Spoj and many more.
59 users - Display Network Speed in Bytes.
Extension to display your network speed in Bytes. Like KB/s & MB/s.
59 users
Cookie Dialog Monster
Did someone say cookie consent dialogs? 😋
59 users
Чистим куки
Расширение очищает кеш/куки и (обновляет) активную вкладку. В параметрах можно отключить автообновление вкладки.
58 users
Codeforces Solutions
Get all the codeforces submitted solutions
58 users
TinyURL Bypass
Automatically redirect tiny url without waiting for the timer.
58 users
Meffert WebRecruiter Parsing-Plugin
Webbrowser-Plugin Parsing für Meffert WebRecruiter
58 users
Share with ShareGPT
Share your conversations on ChatGPT with your own account on ShareGPT
58 users