Lyrics for your favorite songs on your favorite sites! Now supports Spotify (Web), Youtube, YT Music and Google Play Music.
52 users
Simple Vimeo link capture from embeded pages.
51 users
Create a playlist of web pages whether it is for music or videos or just to keep track of what you want to look at.
51 users
Sort YouTube playlists by various metrics.
51 users
Web VideoMark
Web VideoMark は動画配信サービス視聴時にビットレートや解像度、通信量、通信速度、途切れなく滑らかに再生されているかなど、動画再生と通信の品質情報を記録します。一部のサービスでは 1〜5 のスコアとして体感品質値を表示したり、解像度やビットレートの上限を設定して通信量を節約したり、ネットワーク帯域確保のため混雑時間帯に自動で画質調整する機能も備えています。
51 users
Pinterest (Pin Tab)
Switch to Pinterest (Pin Tab) with a single click or a Hot Key (Alt+P)!
51 users
No Shorts
No more YouTube Shorts!
51 users
Ratings Preview for YouTube™
Show the likes and dislikes bar over every video thumbnail in YouTube so that you can know its rating before watching it.
51 users
TwitFix Extension
Add's Twitfix related copy options to Twitter's video context menu
51 users
ニコニコ再生速度変更ツールnico playrate
ニコニコ動画で、ボタンで簡単に再生速度を変更出来ます。ボタンはコメント送信欄の左に配置されます。 設定から再生速度を変えるのが面倒な人向けです。
51 users
NTFLX Auto-Skip
An extension that provides the following options when watching a Netflix show: skip the introduction / skip the summary / go instantly to the next episode / ignore the "are you still watching?" dialog box ⏭️
51 users
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Astronomy Picture of the Day as a Popup in your Browser!
50 users
waView, Beyond the web
Fast, offline image viewer built with WebAssembly technology. You can open 100 image formats including JPG, PNG, TIFF, JXR, RAW.
50 users
Youtube Kids Redirect
Redirects you to youtube kids when you enter youtube. Youtube Kids Redirect is open-source:
50 users
chibisafe Uploader
Uploader for chibisafe.
50 users
supplementary content in 1337x sites
50 users
YouTube Shorts Blocker
Remove YouTube shorts (toggleable) from YouTube videos feed, avoiding distractions.
50 users
Jiosaavn Song Downloader
Adds download button next to songs and over albums/playlist etc on This Extension will allow you to download any song, album or playlist in jiosaavn seamlessly and easily.
50 users
Filmweb in HBO GO
Displays movies' recommendations from in HBO GO (
50 users
Video Audio Booster: Enhance Volume and Enjoy High-Quality Audio
50 users
Better Mobile Youtube
Better Mobile Youtube aims to provide better user experience and feature for mobile youtube on firefox
50 users
此扩展可以非常方便的将网站图像和视频截保存到 零泉 客户端中。 在您浏览网站时即可轻松将您感兴趣的图片以及视频保存到零泉,并且轻松完成整理和归类。 同时支持: 1.「拖拽收藏」 拖拽网页图片立即收藏 2.「批量收藏」一键收集网页所有的图片 3.「截图收藏」轻松截取网页内容 4.「智能提取大图」收藏时,客户端会智能更新网站域名分析和提取大图的网址 目前支持的解析大图的网站有: 花瓣网 站酷网 (追波) 淘宝网
49 users
Apple TV Speed Controller
Enables you to change Apple TV+ playback speed. Press Period/Comma to Increase/Decrease. On speed change, the overlay will be toggled showing your changed speed.
49 users
Booru Extractor 3
Add-on for automatic extraction of images from image page of booru-like and other galleries. Currently Gelbooru, Danbooru, Safebooru,,, Flickr, Sankakucomplex is supported.
49 users
F1 TV Playback Controls
Modern playback control for F1 TV
49 users