F1 TV Playback Controls
Modern playback control for F1 TV
49 users
TikVD - TikTok Video Downloader (No Watermark)
Download videos and sounds from TikTok quickly without the watermark.
49 users
Download YouTube Videos and convert them to mp3 or mp4 without relying on any website. You need the companion App for your PC. You can get it from https://github.com/philliphqs/YouTube-Converter
49 users
Save transcript from YouTube video automatically in Obsidian
49 users
Stream Locker
Load streaming sites videos in the lightweight native HTML5 player and block annoying popups.
49 users
Edit with Paint.Net
Adds a context menu item to send image links directly to Paint.Net photo editor
49 users
ZeroChan Image Downloader
Download Zerochan pictures easy in full quality!
49 users
Media Snooper
Snoops for video/audio urls.
49 users
Encourages the HTML-Renderer to use high-contrast - nearest-neighbor-like image and video scaling. Say goodbye to bilinear!
49 users
Ask Screenshot for Claude
Take a screenshot on any page and ask Claude about it.
49 users
48 users
Video Thumbnail Download with video title
download high Quality JPG image. with video title. support: youtube playlist image , youtube video image
48 users
Plex skipper
Automatically clicks the 'Skip Intro', 'Skip Credits' and 'Play next' buttons on Plex.
48 users
'View Image' Button
Restores the 'View Images' button when browsing images on Google Images.
48 users
IMDB to torrents
IMDB to torrents adds links to popular torrent sites to search for a movie from the www.imdb.com site. Use at your own risk and responsibility. Piracy is wrong.
48 users
Youtube Spoiler Blocker
Blocking video length information from specific Youtube videos to avoid spoilers.
48 users
Avoid haram images & videos on the Internet.
48 users
Tube Sub Export
Adds download button for subscription list in xml format.
48 users
Booru Hotkeys
Keyboard support for booru sites.
48 users
YouTube Shorts as videos
Watch YouTube Shorts as normal videos.
47 users
RateFlix Plus
Show IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Kinopoisk, Kinorium, TMDB, Metacritic and Filmweb ratings on Netflix™
47 users
Songsterr Unblur Extension
Unblurs the Songsterr Tab Player.
47 users
Video Speed Controller(2022)
Speed up, slow down, advance and rewind HTML5 audio/video with shortcuts
47 users
Just IG Image Downloader
Download Instagram images and videos with ease! Simply click the download button to save your favorite photos and videos.
47 users
YouTube Screenshoter
Take screenshots from YouTube video
47 users