See the latest products on Emaykorse.com with one click.
1 user
Supporter Addon
Das Supporter Addon leitet Inhalte basierend auf benutzerdefinierten Regeln automatisch um.
1 user
'Quality of life' extension for websites that sell books. Adds book information and ratings to supported bookstore websites.
1 user
COMPENSA A TUA PEGADA de carbono gratuitamente e poupa dinheiro com códigos de desconto quando fazes compras online.
1 user
Box Scout - Packaging Checker for Amazon
Use Box Scout to ensure all items ship with Amazon packaging.
1 user
you can search multiple shops from a (currently static) list for your search term. for every shop a new tab with the search url is opened
1 user
Text, Image, Video AI Chat Hub. Unlock productivity with aiPilot Extension using the free Google Gemini API. Get unlimited chats, save history, and support multiple languages for a limited time. Try it now and get a $199 valued App for free!
1 user
Alerte Bons Plans Emrys
L'alerte Bons Plans vous informe instantanément de la disponibilité d’un cashback lorsque vous visitez un site marchand partenaire.
1 user
Lifetime Deals by SaasPirate
Get notifications of new lifetime deals and software discounts from SaaSPirate, 1# source for SaaS deals.
1 user
Winzos! Web Contests
Win cash, gift cards and more when you search the web, watch videos, and shop at online stores like Amazon, Target, and others!
1 user
pt2 is a browser extension which allows you to keep track of content changes on web pages.
1 user
TCGPlayer Seller Aggregation
Identifies the fewest (non-direct) sellers needed to purchase all cards
1 user
Busca Ideal Monitor
Monitora requisições de busca de passagens e mostra os voos mais baratos.
1 user
Barbora.lt URL Modifier
Automatically appends 'order=priceAsc' to URLs except the excluded ones. This allows people to see items starting from the lowest price by default like the good old times when the setting you chose, was remembered.
1 user
Cashback service Megabonus
Service helping to make smart online purchases
1 user
VGST sponsoring
Verdien gratis en eenvoudig geld voor VGST door affiliate links te gebruiken.
1 user
Książkowy Sknera
Pozwala zaoszczędzić pieniądze na zakupach książek online. Sprawdza i wyświetla cenę tytułu w innych sklepach.
1 user
MonetizeMe securely collects your browsing data in a databank and helps you monetize it. We believe in 'its your data, it should be your money.'
1 user
Neckermann-Club Bonusmelder
Kein Umweg mehr über die Neckermann-Club-Webseite! Neckermann-Club-Partner werden in der Google- und bing-Suche gekennzeichnet! Neckermann-Club-Vorteile werden auf der Webseite von Neckermann-Club-Partnern eingeblendet!
1 user
Ecomms кэшбэк
Возврат денег с покупок до 90% в Алиэкспресс.
1 user
Poczta Polska Śledzenie Paczki
Opens Poczta Polska tracking info for selected tracking number
1 user
Amazon Bot 口罩自動購買插件(BOT) 日美亞馬遜Amazon樂天
本插件適用於日本及美國亞馬遜, 從二月中經歷多次更新,功能漸趨穩定 客戶口碑良好,信心保證!
1 user
El Mejor Comparador de Precios, millones de productos y mas de una docena de tiendas.
1 user
Sharkys inofficial Chrome Extension for Geizhals
A chrome browser extension with only one feature (thus far): to show PassMark benchmark results for processors next to the listings on Geizhals.
1 user
GETCASHBACK кэшбэк портал
Возвращаем деньги за покупки в интернет-магазинах! Расширение Getcashback проинформирует Вас о возможности получить дополнительную скидку в виде кэшбэк при посещении интернет-магазина. Экономьте на ваших обычных покупках до 30%!
1 user