pt2 is a browser extension which allows you to keep track of content changes on web pages.
1 user URL Modifier
Automatically appends 'order=priceAsc' to URLs except the excluded ones. This allows people to see items starting from the lowest price by default like the good old times when the setting you chose, was remembered.
1 user
MonetizeMe securely collects your browsing data in a databank and helps you monetize it. We believe in 'its your data, it should be your money.'
1 user
Neckermann-Club Bonusmelder
Kein Umweg mehr über die Neckermann-Club-Webseite! Neckermann-Club-Partner werden in der Google- und bing-Suche gekennzeichnet! Neckermann-Club-Vorteile werden auf der Webseite von Neckermann-Club-Partnern eingeblendet!
1 user
Amazon Bot 口罩自動購買插件(BOT) 日美亞馬遜Amazon樂天
本插件適用於日本及美國亞馬遜, 從二月中經歷多次更新,功能漸趨穩定 客戶口碑良好,信心保證!
1 user
Cata Desconto em lojas online
Cata Desconto em lojas online
1 user
COMPENSA A TUA PEGADA de carbono gratuitamente e poupa dinheiro com códigos de desconto quando fazes compras online.
1 user
Busca Ideal Monitor
Monitora requisições de busca de passagens e mostra os voos mais baratos.
1 user
Flaschenpost Preisanzeige
Flaschenpost Preischecker - Markiert die günstigsten Produkte und hebt vegetarische/vegane Produkte hervor. Finde die besten Angebote auf einen Blick und vermeide Preisfallen. Einfach, effizient und übersichtlich.
1 user
Travellers' Helper
One-stop travellers' helper
1 user
Image Search & Price Tracker
Reverse image search and price tracking made easy. Monitor product prices and get alerts for price drops with Image Search & Price Tracker.
1 user
SQDC Back in Stock Notification
Provides the option to subscribe to stock notifications for SQDC products directly from the product page.
1 user
Cashback PackBarre
Détecte les sites partenaires de PackBarre et active le cashback automatiquement.
1 user
Floor tile calculator
This application calculates the number of tiles needed and price for a given room dimension.
1 user
Adiciona o Rastreie ao Menu para que seja possível ao selecionar um código de rastreio já seja pesquisado no site
1 user
Automatic Price-Comparison for Online-Shopping - Find the best price available with comprigo.
1 user Deals Enhancer
This is an enhancement add-on for website. The website defaults to only showing price data for a release on Amazon. This add-on adds a price history chart for both Best Buy and Wal-mart to the pages for each release.
1 user
CO2ok Ninja
Make your shoppping climate neutral! (no extra costs) Shop climate neutral by compensating CO₂ emissions for the production of your online purchases.
1 user
Online-Shopping mit dem BONUS-Melder und dabei ganz einfach Gutes tun. Jeder Einkauf bei einem unserer Partner-Shops erzeugt eine Spende an DEUTSCHLAND RUNDET AUF – das kostet dich keinen Cent, nur einen Klick! Für die Kinder in Deutschland.
1 user
HostDime Dedicated Server Quote Maker
Creates a Dedicated Server Quote from the Summary of a server order page
1 user
PoZnajomości - Znajdź najlepsze promocje!
Kupuj i zyskuj! Wtyczka PoZnajomości wskaże Ci sklepy, w których otrzymasz cashback czyli częściowy zwrot pieniędzy za zakupy online. Dodaj PoZnajomości do swojej przegladarki i nie pozwól by omineła Cię szansa na tańsze zakupy ze zwrotem cashback!
1 user
Cashback Today Notifier
Never forget to claim cashback again! Use this extension to be reminded when you are shopping on a cashback enabled website.
1 user
Gamestop Store Locator NoMap
Un'estensione per eliminare la mappa dalla pagina dello Store Locator di e sostituirla con una più leggibile tabella.
1 user
Missing Fooda filters
Adds min/max price filters to the Fooda browse items page. Finally you can filter by price! If you want to filter by min/max price instead of using just 3 presets: "Below $7, $7-$9, Above $9", then this is an extension for you.
1 user
Choice Reward Card
Use your Choice points for online shopping. Load or view your Choice Reward Card at the checkout without leaving the page!
1 user