Talisman Wallet
Talisman is a Polkadot wallet that unlocks a new world of multichain web3 applications in the Paraverse.
1,284 users
View Source
View Source button to easily open up View Source tab for the web page.
1,264 users
Word Counter
A lite tool for counting characters and words via context-menu
1,252 users
PX: Viewport Dimensions
Displays the viewport dimensions when a browser window is resized.
1,250 users
TrashMail.com for Mozilla Firefox®
Create free disposable email addresses and paste them directly in forms. This helps to protect you from spam mails and could be useful when subscribing to forums or newsletters...
1,242 users
Window Resizer
Resize the browser window. The resolution list supports customization.
1,239 users
AInspector for WCAG Accessibility Evaluation
Inspects web pages for features and issues related to WCAG 2.2 level A and AA requirements for making web pages more accessible to people with disabilities using web accessibility standards, including WCAG, ARIA and ARIA in HTML specifications.
1,234 users
Web Component DevTools
Developer tooling for Web Components and Web Component Libraries
1,225 users
Reload Skip Cache Button
Reload page without using content stored in the browser cache to make sure you get any updates.
1,222 users
Get cookies.txt LOCALLY
Get cookies.txt, NEVER send information outside with open-source
1,206 users
What CMS Is This
Detect which CMS a site is using with the help of WhatCMS.org
1,204 users
Slither.io Mods, Zoom, Unlock Skins, Bots
The Best Mod and Extension for Slither.io! Mod Zoom, Play with Friends, Skins, Custom Skins, Bots
1,195 users
JSON Viewer
Просмотр JSON файлов прямо в браузере
1,187 users
Responsively Helper
An extension to open current browser page in Responsively app
1,179 users
OwlZoom for Youtube Videos
Zoom+in Youtube Videos
1,177 users
Material Icons for Github
Replace the file/folder icons on github file browsers with icons representing the file's type and which tool it is used by.
1,172 users
This add-on allows you to view your IP address from your browser without having to navigate to sites like https://www.whatismyip.com/ Furthermore, as this add-on is open source, you don't need to be worried about your privacy.
1,172 users
Flash Debugger
Debug Flash/SWF/Flex files on the web. Edit properties and inspect elements on the fly. View log output inside the extension. Run AS3 code against the active SWF. Profile memory consumption and much much more...
1,165 users
http tracker
Monitoring the browser network for all tabs and pages in a single page. Track network traffic / http traffic sent from each tab, or page and the response headers for each request. Filter requests to capture, filter requests to view
1,162 users
MaterialDesignIcons Picker
Quick & easy icon picker
1,158 users
百度药丸 Baidu Capsule1
使用更纯净的百度 1.屏蔽百度广告推广 2.阻止百度追踪 3.支持居中显示治愈偏头痛
1,155 users
CustomCSS Injector
- Apply any CSS rules for any websites, including iframes. - Whitelist and Blacklist functionality - Apply CSS rules to specific URLs, Domains or Globally - Syntax highlighting & line numbers - Update without page refresh
1,154 users
Save to Trello
This firefox extension allows you to Create a Trello card from any webpage (including Gmail/webmail) / Ideal for Inbox Zero. You can save the current page to Trello. When you find something in Firefox that you want to view later put it in Trello.
1,148 users
Scrum for Trello
Scrum for Trello adds functionality to the awesome trello.com for use in Scrum projects. Add estimates or record time-spent directly on Trello cards. Shows sums at the top of each list and the top right corner of each board.
1,147 users
Block Yourself from Analytics
Block your Google Analytics™ activity for the websites you own, no more false stats.
1,147 users