Restore the old percentage of My Epitech !
964 users
A browser extension for Penetration Testing
964 users
962 users
ChatGPT File Uploader
A Chrome extension that allows you to upload large files in chunks.
957 users
JSON Beautifier & Editor
Display JSON objects by transforming them into Syntax editable highlighted HTML
949 users
Content Security Policy (CSP) Generator
Automatic Content Security Policy (CSP) Generator. Generate a Content Security Policy header in minutes on any website. Built by
946 users
Link Extractor
Modern Web Extension to extract, parse, and open links from any site or text with optional filters.
943 users
Color Picker For Firefox
HEX Color Picker, RGB Color Picker, Color Picker EyeDropper, Pick color from web page (Color Picker For Firefox)
934 users
Moesif Origin & CORS Changer
The most popular and feature rich CORS tool on Chrome (over 100K weekly active users) is rebuilt for Firefox with more features. This plugin allows you to send cross-domain requests. You can also override Request Origin and CORS headers.
932 users
RGAA Assistant
Extension de navigateur permettant d'auditer des pages web en suivant le référentiel RGAA.
931 users
Auto Form
Copy/Paste all fields from a web form (with hotkey or contextual menus)
929 users
IP Geolocator
Shows detailed information about your IPv4 & IPv6 address and their location.
927 users
Quora Login Bypass
Lets you Bypass Quora Login. A Quora Blog shared this trick/hack so that knowledge can be shared without restriction. If you are logged in, it won't do anything. But say you are not logged in (or using private window), then this comes handy.
926 users
Transparent standalone images
This add-on renders standalone images on a transparent background, so you can see the image in all its glory!
924 users
Minsait eSignature Web Extension
Complemento intermediario entre una aplicación web y una aplicación nativa para realizar firmas digitales.
921 users
Discord Token Login
login to discord with a user token
921 users
File Icon for GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket
A Firefox Add-On which gives different filetypes different icons to GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket, gitea and gogs.
915 users
SQLite Reader
Easily browse, edit and manage SQLite database inside your browser!
915 users
HAR/JSON viewer
Embedded HAR/JSON viewer. Visualizes HTTP Archive (HAR) files opened locally or online. Also features JSON tree view.
913 users
Live Reload — monitor and reload html, css, js
Addon for web devs. Monitor included JS, CSS and/or HTML in frames and automatically reload the host page when a change is detected in the included source. Supports inline reloading of stylesheets and frames without reloading the host page.
902 users
Zoho Annotator
The most elegant and efficient annotation tool.
901 users
Github Repository Size
Add repositories size to their GitHub summary band using the GitHub public API.
900 users
Proxy Checker
Check the quality of your proxies' IPs in bulk.
880 users
Request Interceptor
Intercept HTTP and HTTPS Requests. Add custom rules to modify request/response headers, block/redirect requests, modify query params. Example Usage: This extension can be used to block all ads having url (*/*) by creating rules
876 users
Bitly URL Shortner
Bitly service to convert long URLs or Links of websites to short.
874 users