Unhook: Remove YouTube Recommended Videos Comments 的评价
Unhook: Remove YouTube Recommended Videos Comments 作者: Unhook
50 条评价
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Ghesh_Varigiet,1 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Kamei Hyoji,1 个月前2025/02/22:AndroidのブラウザでHide Comments機能を利用すると、概要欄や再生リストが非表示状態で展開されてしまい、操作ができなくなる不具合あり。Please bug fix.
更に機能が込められたアプリはありますが必要分の機能は十分に揃っているので、Youtubeをブラウザから閲覧する場合にはひとまず入れてみるのがおすすめ。 - 评分 4 / 5来自 Goro,1 个月前Love this extension! <3
I just have two gripes with it.
Firstly, the option to hide profile pictures in the comments isn't working.
Secondly, when I disable the sidebar, but enable playlists, the video player isn't centered anymore, even when no playlist is active. - 评分 4 / 5来自 Miles B Huff,2 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 thatoddshade,3 个月前I just would like the „Redirect to Subscriptions“ option to allow to redirect to another page, like playlists or another website.
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15338396,4 个月前I really love this add-on, it's awesome! However... I've had this issue where, when there was a yt vid embedded in a external website, it would sort of "flicker" (the video appears and disappears, without progressing, making it unwatchable). For YEARS I've struggled with this, cleaning cookies, etc, because sometimes it would happen and sometimes not. I would always, ultimately, just watch the video on youtube's website to bypass the problem. Well, with a website I want to use, that won't do for me anymore, so I sat down with the intent to get to the bottom of this. After a lot of troubleshooting, I finally discovered that it was this add-on that was the problem: specifically, the "Disable annotations" option. What a shame, the add-on is a 5/5 otherwise. Hopefully this gets fixed, or if there is no fix, at least a warning that this particular option might cause issues. As for now, I'll simply go ahead and disable that toggle. If you've had this issue too, this is the fix!
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Toby,4 个月前Great addon, helps make YouTube less distracting.
Issue with embedded videos when "Disable Annotations" is enabled, when clicking play the embedded video will continuously refresh. - 评分 4 / 5来自 David Dieni,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18641007,6 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Mr.Mahmoud,7 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 CJ,7 个月前Appreciate the functionality but the add-on seems to break the Google fonts website. Not a big deal but obviously a bug
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18576643,7 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12587012,9 个月前When using this add on on some sites that have embedded videos the video keeps reloading the first 2 a 3 seconds and never starts playing unless i open them on youtube or disable Unhook.
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18391640,1 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18338531,1 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18155548,1 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 kanansnote,2 年前Great extension that does its job perfectly. Just, there's a minor issue when I disable the recommended videos section, the loading icon is continuously running and not disappearing.
- 评分 4 / 5来自 good morning,2 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17973327,2 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 momo,2 年前