AdBlock 广告过滤器 版 的评价
AdBlock 广告过滤器 版 作者: AdBlock
Kat 的回应
发布于 10 个月前Thanks for taking the time to leave your feedback. If you're interested, here's more about how our contribution page works: For non-Premium users, we populate the page when we update the extension to keep you informed on changes we've made and as a reminder to support AdBlock if you find the software beneficial. We don't track who has previously paid unless your extension is already upgraded to Premium (and in that case, we won't show you the update page at all). There is no obligation to pay and you are welcome to close the page by clicking the "x" on the tab at the top of the page if you've already paid or prefer not to support us at this time. You can learn more about our payment options and philosophy in our Help Center: Please feel welcome to open a ticket at if you have any questions or additional feedback. — Kat C., AdBlock Support