AdBlocker Ultimate 的评价
AdBlocker Ultimate 作者: AdAvoid
196 条评价
- 评分 2 / 5来自 sod off,2 年前works about 25% of the time, but the ad will be right there if you click on a similar page.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 WatermelonPizza,3 年前It worked on twitch for about 4-5 days maybe then the ads came back. Caused preformance issues all around and Froze firefox randomly.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 6108740,3 年前there's too much jargon.
the screen is too 'busy'.
i wanted to enable a site so as to access it, but i almost gave up because your site was so complicated - in the past i HAVE given up. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14922691,3 年前worked right away with no issues. Did not have to tweak anything.
Thank you! - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17121520,3 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16706731,3 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 TITUXX,3 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Texas7412,3 年前it doesn't block annoying ads, i visited a few websites for videos, one being youtube and ads are still there. on the side as well as before the videos start. the side ads i have to use the element blocker to get rid of them, after refreshing the page they come back...
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Ranger Pacheco,3 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17213554,3 年前Looklike good but when i am on youtube (the main site for me) it can't stop all the advisors
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15429296,3 年前How do I get rid of the popup on my screen with the tracker list - annoying to have it right on the screen, when the information is already in the menu icon.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 sympatica,3 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Champu,3 年前Currently it's not working at all in firefox developer edition, i use this extension on edge and it blocks everything but on firefox it just won't block a single add in youtube or other sides, it marks "ads blocked 0"
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Bär Hamburg,3 年前Hat anfangs noch gut die einzelnen Werbespots von Tv now unterbunden. Funktioniert nicht mehr. Hier ist ein Update fällig.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 chava,3 年前No bloquea la mayoría de los anuncios y hace más lento el navegador. Estoy seguro que las buenas calificaciones se las dan bots. No lo recomiendo.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14586701,4 年前не очень хорошо справляется со своей задачей - блокировщика рекламы. ещё немного и удалю к чёртовой матери
- 评分 2 / 5来自 shiny,4 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16688330,4 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13476815,4 年前The only problem is that it makes some important sites not work or leave stuff out. I can't use it for my bank, for one. It blocks recent transactions. And posted, open videos on FB won't work. They start but then spin without advancing.