AdGuard VPN — 隐私 & 安全 的评价
AdGuard VPN — 隐私 & 安全 作者: Adguard Software Ltd
95 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13330662,2 年前Совсем перестал работать! Из всех серверов доступен только сервер в Эстонии и тот тупит.
За что деньги заплатил? - 评分 1 / 5来自 Jvet56,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17488207,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 NGC7293A01,2 年前Локаций нет! ВСЁ в оффлайне, при том, что приложение работает нормально. Что не так с расширением???
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15531257,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14919254,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Shirato,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17764316,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13789426,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 freeman,2 年前Dreadful VPN. Pls do not buy it. It does not work. No connections, no speed, huge jitter...
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 10917032,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Ünver,2 年前it crashes and freezes many times at connection time , not fully compatible with firefox browser
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14971508,2 年前3gb volumen ist wenig, zudem für server die in anderen anwendungen gratis sind. es ist kein proxy für schweiz und österreich vorhanden. das einzige was gut ist, man kann seiten ausschliessen. ansonsten ist das addon nichts wert. es gibt bessere und vorallem ohne daten begrenzung.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 TELLALL4ALL,3 年前3-12-25: can't keep user ids very few free ips Servers offiine much of the time. Errors for no reason requiring reinstall. stupid nonsensical error messages. increased demands for more permissions.get it working about 25% of the time without reinstall. Probably run by machine no real developer assistance.urban vpn much better and there are several much better than this junkware
2-5-25: Hasn't improved only use it occasionally now too much trouble connecting few to no free ips
12-28-24: asks 4 further spyware permissions then blocks your access when u refuse. Acts like hackers in control. constantly loses ur account requringmaking new one. junk run by losers
8-31-24: no change still the next to worst "free"vpn addon. Can't remember you asking your to reinstall, most servers frequently offline requring reinstall to get it working. Junk.
7-29-23: stopped using it months ago. Extremely flaky. can't remember you, inconsistently asks you to reregister. Servers extremely slow or do not respond at all or are listed as "offline", hahaha. What a joke. Browsec a much better free vpn (I have no commercial interest in this just reporting my experience)
3-17-23: How do you go from top of the heap to the bottom of the barrel in less than a year? Ask the staff at adguard. Slow as hell to connect a real PITA to use it. Can't keep you user id and registration constantly asking you to fill out a new one. Privacy concerns, they are tracking you and maybe worse. Frequent unusable IPs due to their being "offline". Drops connections. Used to have dns leaks not sure if still? Just a very unresponsive difficult to use VPN. Browsec is MUCH more stable, easy to use, reliable and no dns leaks. Hardly ever use this one any more, although it sometimes is a bit faster. I guess they could not deal with an increase of users, that's why it sucks now.
12-17-22: loses out completely to Browsec VPN. Outs your IP with DNS leaks. Takes forever to connect. Drops connections. IPs frequently "offline". Browsec has less ips but much more stable, faster connects. You spend half your time waiting for their crap proxies to connect. Blah
11-3-2022: Longer it goes the worse it gets. Can't connect. All servers offline. Cant find their asses from a hole in the ground as far as dns lookups go-many "can't find it" error messages. Why do people even start companies like this if they cannot maintain them. Big disappointment, it was good when no one else was using it, now it's just another crappy "free" vpn. Browsec is better now by far.
9-17-22: WOW. From really good to really, really bad. Today I had two time their "proxies" disconnect me w/out warning revealing my home IP. Switched to another free proxy. Lately this one is either "offline", cannot connect or they kick you off the proxy and violate your privacy. Junk. Maybe they are trying to tell us we must PAY if we want a REAL vpn?
slow as hell to connect. changed to another free (one of many available) vpn due to it's sloth like slowness. Once connected not so bad but takes forever to connect and their ip are frequently "offline". - 评分 1 / 5来自 HonestReviews,3 年前1-17-25: one of the worst of the so-called "free"vpns. It's NOT free if you have to waste ur time trying to get it to work. Requres constant new account creations Lacking servers most of which are "offline".
Slow or impossible to connect.m suspicious permissions required. More crap from Mozilla addons
12/21/24 : can't remember user requiring new acct creation frequently. Slow or impossible to connect, many or all IPS "offline". Another junk "free" vpn-not free if it wastes your time.
9-9-24: frequently drops connection and also your wifi connection. usually only one or two ips availalble or none at all, sometimes help by required rinstalls and they can't remember who you are. Bunch of amateurs. browsec is better, so is urban,so is cyberghost.
Sad mozila can't attract competent programmers
7-4-23 update: a bad joke. can't keep your id, takes forever to connect. free servers reported as down. One BS problem after another who needs it? Browser VPN 100% better. Don't waste your time with this. Maybe it's ok if you PAY, but I doubt it.
5-2-23: still not using it. too slow, too many problems connecting to servers,remembering account. using browsec (no affiliation) much more stable, ez connect, fast enuf.
4-7-23-stopped using it, unstable, SLOW SLOW SLOW to connect. A real PITA to use it. Can't even remember which users have accounts half the time. Drops connections, IPs offline,stalled connections. Browsec is much better-I have no commercial interest-personal exprience only.
11-25-22: i had high hopes for this addon because it worked well the first 2 months, then it suddenly went to hell. I'm guessing they got a lot more users based on the good review as it was largely unknown. Either that or they don't like I haven't paid them anything. And I never will because their addon sucks now.
acts like it's being hacked-directs to pages you never clicked on.
very slow to get any server response when connecting. drops connections or proxy cannot do dns lookups. Often servers unavailable and listed as "offline". Started out good and gradually got worse and worse. Now using browsec often which is much quicker to connect and much more stable, but with fewer ips. I have not found a really good "free" proxy yet. They all pretty much suck. So far browsec is the best.
10-2-22-slight improvement but still sucky. Can't connect to IPs, half of the time. Gives message offline for all except maybe one or two ips. Had to go to browsec vpn much more reliable and not a PITA to connect. Little faster on the error messages, but still a PITA to use it. Try browsec, or setup vpn. 90% of the so called free vpns are either not free or crap. Not worth your time.
9-2-22: This started off as the best free vpn available. Now at about 4 months out it has gone to hell and is crappy as all the other "free" VPNS.
I went to the trouble to post this review because it is so bad now. SLOWWWW to load. SLOOOWWW to give error messages due to other reasons. Just damn slow you grow old waiting for a response for their servers. Half the time the dummies running this cannot tell if you have an account or not and offer up a new account window that then disappears if you reload the browser. Gone to hell same as all the other lame "free" vpns out there. It's not FREE if we have to waste our time getting the pos to work! The guys running this are smart. But not smart enough to deal with their new user load. Also it does not prevent DNS leads from and shows the home DNS server whichi is a dead giveaway of your home IP. This is WITH their so called adguard adblock enabled which is supposed to use THEIR DNS. Guess what that shows but SO does your HOME DNS, VOILA, we now know where you are and probably WHO you are. Still lacking: a free vpm that is ANY GOOD with residential IPs that does not leak DNS info. I should say this is for chrome, but I am sure the same is true for FFOX. - 评分 1 / 5来自 HOXV,3 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Oleg,3 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 trance,3 年前Самый ограниченный и бесполезный VPN! Ущербное количество серверов, отсутствие поддержки IKEV2/OpenVPN, как это есть у многих сервисов. И ещё, расширение браузера не работает когда включен системный VPN, ни одно другое VPN расширение не запрещает использование второго соединения в браузере, например когда я хочу чтобы системный IP был один, а в браузере другой. За что заплатил деньги, так и не понял.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 USER-EXPERIENCEONLY,3 年前3-7-25: still among the crappiest "free" vpns. Authors don't know what they are doing. Can't keep accounts forces user to make new ones keeps increasing privacy permissions. Very few available free servers hard to connect requires frequent re-installs Junk add on as are most of ffoxes addons
1-27-25: often not usable. Can't keep login info requriing making new account.Asks for dubious permissions. few to NO free Ips Frequent reinstalls needed .Run by amateurs who don't have a clue.
10-10-24 update:
I started with them in the beginning. They were good for about3 months then rapidly went bad. Now only works like 30% of the time. Rest of the time cannot connect, servers "offline", error messages with no reason. Now they are trying to get you to download their software. I don't trust them, they are so incompetent. Mozilla only tarnishes it's own image by using junk addons that do not work-you know them by the company they keep. this is under windows desktop. You spend more time trying to get their junk to work than you save by any vpn. Run by the 3 stooges, curly, moe and who was the 3rd?
9-5-24: restrict the number of ips you can logon to in order to easier profile, record and track your web and internet activities. Do not trust this VPN.
A good example of you get what you pay for, except that I doubt even if you pay they will do any better. Probably one of the worst "free" vpns available. Works about 1/3 of the time. Rest of the time they can't remember you, their servers are down. It acts like it's hacked and I wouldn't trust it with any valuable data or pws. People like this should not be allow to market their crapware on the net, seriously. Junk, absolute junk.
5-19-24: One of the worst "free" vpns available. Hard to connect, requires frequent reinstalls, servers down all the time. Hasn't improved in the last year or so. Only use it as backup when I can't use several OTHER FREE vpns that are much better. I won't list the good ones as I don't want them to be flooded by jackasses. If you get this one to work with any reliablity you are doing better than i ever had done.
11-7-23: Hasn't gotten any better, a real PITA to try to use it. Can't created account wants a new account each time you want to use it. Same old bs: 15 free ips all are listed as "offline". What a bs service
sept 2022: Really sad to see what was once a fast and good vpn not deteriorated to almost unusable, slow to connect, choice of 1-2 vpns that are not yet "offline". flaky gui slow to respond. Did they fire the initial staff and replace it with homeless shelter recruits? How can a vpn like like 40 ips and like 10 free ips and all of them are "offline". Went back to browsec, simpler fast connects and works.
update: Now a good vpn when you need to take a coffee break because it almost takes that long to login to an IP, IF you can, IF they are not all listed as "OFFLINE" What a joke.
best free vpn available. But kind of stingy in the number of free ips it offers. connects you before you even ask when opening browser, prefer to be able to connect myself. Still it's the best one out there. But I wonder how much they protect your privacy, since you're getting it for free. almost forgot, u cannot use ublock origin with this, it has it's own ad blocker separate addon, but I worry about privacy with this vpn. also you must disable epic vpn when using epic browser or this vpn wont load. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Игорь,3 年前Расширение перестало работать, вечная ошибка подключения, даже не могу войти под логином!