Alumetal 2 的评价
Alumetal 2 作者: Jutte Angarde
Jutte Angarde 的回应
发布于 3 年前I really appreciate it and thank you. But I am an almost bohemian "artist", my works age and acquire goodness like the best wines. For now, there is no question of money. It's just fun.
3 条评价
- 评分 5 / 5来自 أشرف صبري,2 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 JayDev,3 年前Man, I can't say thank you enough @JutteAngarde. You have a Knack for designing UI's. I hope your employed somewhere, becuase not only can you, but you should be getting paid for you very awsome unique abilities. Your FF themes, are hands down the best available. If you made one, and charged for it, I'd buy it to support you. THANK U, THANK U, THANK U.
发布于 3 年前I really appreciate it and thank you. But I am an almost bohemian "artist", my works age and acquire goodness like the best wines. For now, there is no question of money. It's just fun. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16875252,4 年前