ANIMATED SEA 作者: Kikuko-1364601426.52
Who does not love the sea? The beach is a place of healing and joy. The salt cleanses us and the sun embraces us in its warmth. The ocean heals the heart, mind, and soul. ~Unknown Source TAGS sandy beach ocean waves warm hot summer salt water sparkling glistening sea seashells starfish mollusks reflective sun sand surf paradise tropical island animated png TAGS deep cerulean deyork green and feijoa seashell beach sun surf sand summer sunlight sunshine sea havelock and minsk blue starfish sandy beach ocean waves warm hot summer boston blue scooter blue turquoise ocean sea urchin salt water sparkling glistening seashells sea shells starfish green mist & highland green snail mollusks reflective sun sand surf paradise tropical island animated png =^..^= (") (") SaSSyGirL =^..^= (") (") SaSSyGirL