Application Menu 版本历史 - 11 个版本
Application Menu 作者: ExE Boss
Application Menu 版本历史 - 11 个版本
- 下载 Firefox 并安装扩展您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展
版本 0.1.8
发布于 2018年8月12日 - 418.62 KB适用于 firefox 60.0a1 及更高版本Changes – 0.1.8- The Photon toolbar icon is used by default.
- The Photon theme is more aligned with Firefox.
- Uses hyperHTML for faster loading.
- All code has been migrated to ES6 modules.
源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
发布于 2017年11月30日 - 397.54 KB适用于 firefox 56.0a1 及更高版本Changes – Changed the extension icon due to trademark and other concerns.
A Mozilla Add-ons reviewer requested that the icon be changed, because it looks too similar to the Firefox logo, and this may apparently cause confusion among some users and may potentially be infringing on the Mozilla Firefox trademark.
源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
- Changed the extension icon due to trademark and other concerns.
版本 0.1.7a
发布于 2017年10月5日 - 383.58 KB适用于 firefox 56.0a1 及更高版本Changes – 0.1.7- Dropped support for Firefox 55.
- Implemented “Default Theme” which automatically uses the correct theme for the current Firefox version.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.1.6
发布于 2017年9月16日 - 383.6 KB适用于 firefox 55.0 及更高版本Changes – 0.1.6- Photon Theme button icon is now the Photon icon and not the Australic icon
- Added support for Firefox Multi-Account Containers by Mozilla (this requires new permissions).
- Migrated all JavaScript files to strict mode.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.1.5
发布于 2017年8月23日 - 379.21 KB适用于 firefox 55.0 及更高版本Changes – 0.1.5- Photon Theme no longer highlights the disabled expander icons on hover
- Implemented Classic Theme for those who want the menu to resemble Firefox 4–28.
- Tim Nguyen implemented the Exit, Save Page As… and a part of the Fullscreen command.
- Disclaimer: The Exit command might potentially cause issues with Session Restore with sufficiently large amounts of open windows, but no such issue came up during testing.
- The Popup is now closed when an action is performed, mimicking the behaviour of Firefox 4–28.
- The shortcut for the Exit command was changed to Firefox’s
源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.1.4a
发布于 2017年8月10日 - 351.67 KB适用于 firefox 55.0 及更高版本Changes – 0.1.4- Australis theme now uses Australis icon colours
- PastelSVG theme now greys out the disabled icons as well
- Resolved a compatibility issue with Nicer Media Pages
源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.1.3
发布于 2017年8月7日 - 351.13 KB适用于 firefox 55.0 及更高版本Changes- Implemented printing (on Firefox 56+ this also has Print Preview)
- Added some more icons to the Photon theme
- Updated the Theme CSS to use CSS Variables
- Added some more icons to the Photon theme
- The Options now look more like native Firefox options
Fixes- The icons would sometimes not show up correctly in Firefox 57
源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.1.2
发布于 2017年7月24日 - 347.68 KB适用于 firefox 55.0 及更高版本Changes- Implemented the Photon style (note that there are some missing icons currently)
- Fixed the broken theme selector appearance (Caused by bug 1354336)
- Auto-closes the "Email Link…" tab now
源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.1.1
发布于 2017年6月29日 - 329.8 KB适用于 firefox 55.0 及更高版本, android 55.0 至 68.*Changes- Added some missing Developer menu icons in the Australis theme
- Added the Chinese (Simplified) localization courtesy of yfdyh000
源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布