Artax 作者: Artax
Reminds you why you went on a website.
Designed to help you stop losing track of time when on sites like Facebook etc.
When you browse to a site you've told Artax about, it'll ask you what you want to do there, and when you want to be reminded.
您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展
Artax is designed to help you stop losing track of time when on sites like Facebook etc.
When you browse to a site you've told Artax about, it'll ask you what you want to do there, and when you want to be reminded.
The sites you want Artax to be active for can be set in the Add-on's preferences.
When you browse to a site you've told Artax about, it'll ask you what you want to do there, and when you want to be reminded.
The sites you want Artax to be active for can be set in the Add-on's preferences.
- 存取您在所有网站的数据
Artax 制作的更多扩展
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分