Beyond 20 版本历史 - 25 个版本
版本 2.13.1
发布于 2025年2月19日 - 1.36 MB适用于 firefox 58.0 及更高版本Hi,
We’re releasing today a hotfix release as D&D Beyond have changed their site and the HP syncing fix from last week’s release already needed to be rewritten.
This hotfix release fixes HP syncing as well as the missing description when displaying actions.
Thanks and enjoy!源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
下载 Firefox 并安装扩展您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展较早版本
版本 2.12.0
发布于 2025年1月26日 - 1.35 MB适用于 firefox 58.0 及更高版本Hi,
We’ve had a lot of changes to the D&D Beyond website in recent weeks and a few things continue to break, requiring more fixes.
This release adds quite a few bugfixes and improvements, and adds a few interesting features as well, such as the ability to send to the VTT the images and art from source books, as well as the ability to apply exhaustion effects on your rolls automatically.
Check out the full Changelog to see all the changes added in this release.
As usual, a big thank you to @dmportella as well as to my generous Patrons and Ko-fi/Github supporters.
Enjoy.源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 2.11.1
发布于 2025年1月9日 - 1.34 MB适用于 firefox 58.0 及更高版本Happy New Year,
I hope everyone had a chance to rest and find moments of peace and reflection during the holidays.
We’re releasing today a bugfix release as character sheet changes continue on D&D Beyond and rolling actions (like unarmed strike) from character sheets were broken. This release also fixes the bug preventing Strength checks from working from within a character sheet’s Extra creature’s statblock.
Thanks again to @dmportella for the fixes, as well as to my generous Patrons and Ko-fi/Github supporters.
Enjoy.源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 2.10.0
发布于 2024年11月18日 - 1.31 MB适用于 firefox 58.0 及更高版本Hi everyone,
It’s time for another update to Beyond20. This release fixes some of the few parsing issues that have slowly crept up during the last month, due to D&D Beyond continuously changing their character sheets, but it also has a few new features as well.
Other than adding support for some of the new 2024 rules (new monsters, species, backgrounds, Great Weapon Fighting, Great Weapon Master, Polearm Master), it also finally properly implements Firefox’s optional permissions API, allowing Firefox users to enjoy the same dynamic permissions as Chrome user had. This also removes for Firefox users the previously mandatory discord permissions and brings support for Roll20’s Discord Activity on par with the Chrome implementation.
There’s more work to be done in the next few weeks and months to continue supporting the new changes with the 2024 rules, but this is a very good starting point. You can see the full list of changes in the Changelog (
As usual, thank you to all contributors, especially @dmportella, as well as to my generous Patrons ( and Ko-fi/Github ( supporters.
Happy rolling!源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 2.9.8
发布于 2024年10月12日 - 1.29 MB适用于 firefox 58.0 及更高版本Hi again,
Another few weeks have passed and another update to D&D Beyond’s website has broken Beyond 20. This update fixes the recent issue of being unable to roll items/weapon attacks. It also adds support to some of the new 2024 rules and minor bugfixes.
Note: The v2.9.8 update fixes a small issue with To Hit detection which slipped through the 2.9.7 release from the day before.
As always, thank you to @dmportella ( for his contributions and to everyone who supports the project, and thank you to my generous Patrons ( and Ko-fi/Github ( supporters.
Enjoy!源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 2.9.6
发布于 2024年9月23日 - 1.29 MB适用于 firefox 58.0 及更高版本Hi everyone,
I’m releasing another small bugfix update to Beyond20 after recent changes to D&D Beyond website broke some functionality of the extension, more specifically, the detection of class features, feats and racial features from your characters.
This update also includes support for the Roll20 Discord Activity, thanks to the contribution by Riley Dutton from Roll20. Note however that it only works if you open Discord inside of your browser alongside the D&D Beyond page. Also note that Chrome/Edge users will need to click on the Beyond20 icon in the address bar and authorize the extension to work on the Discord page before you can use the new feature.
Another big thank you to @dmportella who helped fix the issue with class feature detection and added support for Sorcereus Burst. And like last time, you should continue to direct your thanks to him, perhaps via his Ko-fi ( page!
As always, thank you everyone who contributed to the project, and thank you to my generous Patrons ( and Ko-fi/Github ( supporters.
Enjoy!源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 2.9.5
发布于 2024年7月28日 - 1.27 MB适用于 firefox 58.0 及更高版本Hi everyone,
Another bugfix release for Beyond20, to fix various rolls which broke after D&D Beyond progressively updated their character sheets in the recent weeks, which eventually broke rolling ability checks, saving throws, initiative, character actions, class features, feats, and the parsing of spell sources.
This release also works around a bug in Foundry's v12 dnd5e system which prevented the rolls from Beyond20 from appearing in the chat log.
After multiple pokes, and waiting more than reasonable, it appears that D&D Beyond has no interest in re-establishing communications with the Beyond20 team and ensuring the extension remains compatible with their continuous changes to the website. It is certainly a great disappointment to be honest, but it is what it is, unfortunately.
This release is dedicated to @dmportella ( from the community who has stepped up in the past couple of weeks, submitted all the fixes for the extension and helped with github issues. A huge huge thank you for taking care of things while I was incapacitated, and I'd recommend people buy him a coffee ( instead of me this time around!
As always, thank you everyone who contributed to the project, including my generous Patrons ( and Ko-fi/Github ( supporters.
Enjoy!源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 2.9.4
发布于 2024年6月6日 - 1.27 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Hi everyone,
Yesterday, D&D Beyond updated their website slightly again, which broke rolling items and spells from the character sheet.
This small update fixes that as well as a couple of other small issues.
A special thank you for those who debugged the issue, contributed fixes to Beyond20 and helped with support. I love seeing the open-source spirit within our community.
Thank you as well to my generous [Patrons]( and [Ko-fi/Github](/rations) supporters.
Enjoy!源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 2.9.3
发布于 2024年5月11日 - 1.27 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Hi again,
D&D Beyond have updated their website once more on May 7th, which broke the ability to roll saving throws, ability checks, initiative, and spells.
As this is the second breaking update in 2 weeks and it took over a week last time to get the new update approved on the Firefox and Edge stores, I've reached out to the D&D Beyond team to work together to avoid this situation in the future. While waiting for their team to reach out, we've also seen DDB revert their website changes on May 9th, but only for a short period of time, before breaking the extension again. This made me very weary on pushing an update prematurely if the site was in constant flux.
At this time, as it's been 3 days (thanks everyone for your patience), I've decided to release a fix and I made sure that the new update would continue to function without breaking, even if DDB reverts their website back again to the older version, so this should satisfy everybody.
I'm keeping a close eye on the situation, and I expect to be in contact again with the DDB team soon so that future updates can have a minimal impact on your games.
Thanks for everyone who helped out with this issue and provided support on Github and Discord. And as usual, thank you as well to all contributors and to my generous [Patrons]( and [Ko-fi/Github]( supporters.
Enjoy!源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 2.9.2
发布于 2024年4月25日 - 1.02 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Hi everyone, long time no see!
Today, D&D Beyond has released an update to their character sheets which unfortunately broke Beyond 20 support as many things have changed behind the scenes, making it unable to parse the sheet and make rolls.
This hotfix update fixes that and restores full Beyond 20 functionality, as well as adds a few other bugfixes to the extension and some small new features (See the Changelog: for the full list).
Hopefully I didn't miss anything and it won't break again in the near future, but if D&D Beyond are going to push additional updates, I thank you all in advance for your patience and I promise to be on top of things and release fixes as soon as humanly possible!
In other news, I have been working on Beyond20 recently to add a new cool feature, but it's not yet ready for release. I'm quite excited about this and I can't wait to show you all what we've been cooking up in secret 🤫!
For now, enjoy this small update, and stay ready for a larger upcoming release!
As usual, thank you to all contributors, as well as to my generous Patrons ( and Ko-fi/Github ( supporters, who are making this all possible and keep me motivated.
Thanks and happy rolling!源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 2.9.1
发布于 2023年7月6日 - 1.26 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Hi again everyone!
We're releasing the 2.9.1 update for your favorite extension already! This is a very small bugfix release, which is released urgently as it addresses a critical issue with Roll20.
Earlier today, Roll20 have changed something in their app's URL which causes Beyond20 to stop recognizing it, this update should fix that.
There's also a few small fixes to the "Display Avatar" feature that also snuck in as they were fixed recently as well.
We hope Roll20 don't change anything further and the extension continues to work for months to come.源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 2.9.0
发布于 2023年6月24日 - 1.26 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Hi Beyond20 lovers!
It's time for another update to your favorite extension! This one has been cooking for a long time, and there's many reasons for that.
The OGL scandal from WotC in January has definitely had a negative impact on the community as a whole, but Beyond20 has also never been so stable and in need of so little maintenance. While the extension is pretty much "feature complete" at this stage, and the very few bugs that have been reported were not critical, we've still worked to bring a new exciting feature which I think might open up Beyond20 to even more future possibilities.
This update brings a few corrections to small bugs that have been reported in the last months, as well as the addition of some new features. I encourage you to check the [Changelog]( for the full list of changes. The big chunk of this update though is the new ability for websites to integrate with Beyond20, not just as a VTT, but also as character sheets. This means that Beyond20 can become the glue that connects any character sheet website to any VTT website.
In order to make that possible, an extensive documentation of our [API]( has been written and this should hopefully allow various websites to send their rolls to Beyond20, letting it pass along that data to the player's VTT, making it a truly universal extension. I have heard from quite a few websites who are excited to bring the ability to roll from their sheets to any VTT via Beyond20!
I expect, as more websites start supporting Beyond20, that we'll see additional improvements to the API and a possible increase in activity to support various use cases that may be non-d&d specific.
I can't wait to see what the future brings and how Beyond20's horizon gets expanded with this new feature.
As usual, thank you to all contributors, as well as to my generous [Patrons]( and [Ko-fi/Github]( supporters, who are making this all possible.
Thank you everyone and keep on rolling!😄源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布