Bitwarden – 免费密码管理器 的评价
Bitwarden – 免费密码管理器 作者: Bitwarden Inc.
177 条评价
- 评分 2 / 5来自 sedoy,2 个月前more cheesy UI is even hard to imagine, why was it necessary to spoil what worked well....
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Jonathan Kamens,2 个月前I legit don't know what the folks at Bitwarden were thinking with the recent revamp of the user interface. It is objectively worse in many respects. Operations now require more clicks, more screen real-estate is taken up by things that are used less often, and the decision to change the default behavior for a context-selected auto-fill entry from fill to edit, and move the fill function to a tiny button, is an incredibly hair-brained regression.
For Pete's sake, you could have made it look prettier without crippling the functionality. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16999870,3 个月前The new extension seems to follow a trend set by Microsoft. If a task can be accomplished with one mouse click, two mouse clicks must be better. In the older extension, I could copy a password with a single click. Now, I have to select the info button, then pick password from a dropdown. This is not an improvement, in my opinion.
In the older version, selecting the entry would autofill. Now, I have to find the small button to autofill. Clicking on the entry opens the listing.
Some of this can be attributed to having to learn the new interface. Some of it can be attributed to prettifying it at the expense of usefulness.
I'll be looking at downgrading to an older version.开发者回应
发布于 2 个月前Hi. Mare sure you are on version 2024.12.4 or above, then check under Bitwarden Settings > Autofill > "Click items to autofill on Vault view" and Bitwarden Settings > Appearance > "Show quick copy actions on Vault" if you want to restore previous functionality that you may prefer. - 评分 2 / 5来自 rmccomiskie,3 个月前The latest release is absolutely confusing. Why was it necessary to change the UI such that I have to make more clicks to accomplish the same function. And displaying all logins on the main screen is impossible to use with hundreds of logins in my vault. I am not happy with this 'upgrade'.
发布于 2 个月前Hi. Mare sure you are on version 2024.12.4 or above, then check under Bitwarden Settings > Autofill > "Click items to autofill on Vault view" and Bitwarden Settings > Appearance > "Show quick copy actions on Vault" if you want to restore previous functionality that you may prefer. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Noknok,3 个月前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 AB,3 个月前UI redesign looks bad (curves, whitespace), Fill button is miniscule (no more card click to fill), detection now broken on some sites, don't need Send button, some useful settings taken away, don't need animations. It's clear the dev team is just adding crap to stay busy. BW's GitHub backlog is pretty intense; they should be resolving GitHub issues and internal bugs instead of making the interface uglier and then needing to bugfix the uglier interface.
发布于 2 个月前Hi. Mare sure you are on version 2024.12.4 or above, then check under Bitwarden Settings > Autofill > "Click items to autofill on Vault view" and Bitwarden Settings > Appearance > "Show quick copy actions on Vault" if you want to restore previous functionality that you may prefer. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Em,3 个月前I dislike the last update. It's very inconvenient because now you have to click on a tiny button (Fill) to fill lin the login info instead of being able to click on the whole item like before. Why is it going now to view login? I bet more people are interested in filling the logins then looking at the logins, so why not leave that as the main action? Please revert this change. Or at least make this action customizable?
发布于 2 个月前Hi. Mare sure you are on version 2024.12.4 or above, then check under Bitwarden Settings > Autofill > "Click items to autofill on Vault view" and Bitwarden Settings > Appearance > "Show quick copy actions on Vault" if you want to restore previous functionality that you may prefer. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Kelue,3 个月前Been a happy Bitwarden customer for years, never had any complaints about the layout or UI. This is a classic case of making it look pretty while knee-caping its actual functions; a design philosophy that is an absolute cancer on the whole industry lately.
You made it harder to do the singular thing this extension is meant to do by shrinking the thing you need to click to a tiny button.
You eliminated the folder structure and now you have to search for everything by default? What populates the tab seems to be based on "Suggestions" and not simply by letting me put folders and types there.
All items are shown on the the opening tab for no reason? Not to mention the classic wasted space and floating elements that have infected every UI across the board.
Massively disappointed. Just like with the Android app, Bitwarden's design team seems the be making decisions without actually asking users what they need and want first. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Gary B,3 个月前I love the desktop extensions (Firefox, Chrome), but the Firefox for Android version is unusable for me. Once I access the extension in Firefox on my Android phone, I cannot get back out of it. The extension's back button doesn't work, so I simply cannot continue using FIrefox without closing the app and reopening it.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17838443,3 个月前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18738080,3 个月前bitwarden the service is great. bitwarden the extension for firefox is great when it works and it often does not. For like 4 months the addon would log out pretty constantly when its supposed to lock. They fixed it and indicated they were going to try harder not to screw over firefox users. Now just a few short months later and the problem is back.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 loupdidou,3 个月前Have been using Bitwarden for a week, and every second site the input form is not correctly recognized. Just today on a site I had bitwarden suggest a generated password, to simply not remember it during test-login. The firefox extension doesn't make my life easier unfortunately.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 amer72,4 个月前the extensions works like a charm on windows but on mac os the experience is absolutely horrible the fingerprint function is straight up broken and not only that each time you try and use the fingerprint it launches like an instance of an app that absolutely crushes your machine performance and makes it overheat like crazy i just found out when i killed all the instances started by bitwarden the machine sped up and got much cooler firefox had it's usage on 900 energy impact after killing the instances it's down to 70
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Dan Gillmor,5 个月前Broken in Firefox / Linux -- autofill doesn't work. Removing and reinstalling may help temporarily, but it stops working again. It worked fine until about 6 weeks ago. People have reported this to Bitwarden site, and at github, but limited response so far.
I'll revise the star rating to 5 when this is fixed. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17485882,5 个月前Biometric unlock no longer works. This is a recurring problem every few months.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Boeser Waldgeist,6 个月前Habe es auf Desktop und Smartphone installiert gehabt. Auf den Desktop hat es mit synchronisieren schlecht geklappt habe es dann wieder deinstalliert. Dann auch von Smartphone. Doch nach dem es von Smartphone runter war, haben von mir vorher gesetzte Passwörter auf und vielen anderen Ressourcen nicht mehr funktioniert. Stand ständig - "Passwort wurde geändert" und Datum wo ich die App auf Smartphone installiert habe. Hat mir viel Mühe und Nerven gekostet, alles wieder frei zu schalten. Konten bei, eBay, und noch anderen zwei könnte ich nicht wiederherstellen. Danke für die Erfahrung, aber ich werde doch lieber die Passwörter weiter als Text Datei im verschlüsselten Ordner auf externen Datenträger aufbewahren.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15287053,6 个月前No longer fills in passwords and user names. Still able to paste and copy.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 雲霖,6 个月前It eats many RAM cause browser frozen.
Firefox ver. 129.0.2(64bit), addons ver.2024.8.1
Hope can fix it. - 评分 2 / 5来自 BlueMaterial,6 个月前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 SE,7 个月前Log in with device is still broken. Biometric login is still broken. 1Password's plugin has significantly better usability. At this time I cannot recommend Bitwarden to new users.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 lightningbug,7 个月前Wäre 5 Sterne, wenn der Passwort Manager verlässlich funktionierte! Einloggen in gespeicherte Webseiten klappt gut.
Bei neuen Webseiten sollte der Passwort-Manager starke Passwörter vorschlagen, verschläft es aber, oder er meldet sich mit "vorgeschlagene Passwörter", was nicht weiterhilft, weil ich ein neues Passwort brauche. Das geht schon seit Monaten so und ist ziemlich ärgerlich!
Habe festgestellt, dass meine Version 2024.6.2 und damit veraltet ist. In Firefox gibt's keine Möglichkeit, ein Update manuell anzustoßen. Wenn das nicht bald behoben wird, geht mein Rating noch einen Stern runter auf 1 :(