Bookmarked Speed Dial 的评价
Bookmarked Speed Dial 作者: AKAPON
44 条评价
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13515392,7 年前Hello,
Good app. I like it.
But, I like a darker design.
How can I change the color of the whole side to black?
And the Backgroundcoler of the descrition line over the Icons black with white text on it?
I have sloved my Problem:
body {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) !important;
.imgcontainer {
padding-top: 65% !important; /*4:3*/
.container table tr td p {
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) !important;
.container table tr td {
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
div[type='remove'], div[type='edit'], div[type='reloadbookmark']{
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) !important;
Best regards Luriel开发者回应
发布于 7 年前body {
background-color: rgb(150, 150, 150) !important;
.container table tr td {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) !important;
td div, td p {
color: #F2F2F2 !important;
.header {
background-color: #000000 !important;
#pages, #upbutton, #toggle {
color: #F2F2F2 !important;
.pages:hover, .active, #upbutton:hover {
background-color: #505050 !important;
You can also use developer tools (Ctrl+Shift+I) for searching classes/id of elements. For better color you can search "html color" or use this page
Edited: I see what you solved issue before when I printed answer:) - 评分 5 / 5来自 Eduardo Alvarez,7 年前Excelente, pero en este momento no esta funcionado en la nueva version de firefox.
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13451500,7 年前Great addon, thanks! Can you please upload it to github so people can make some contributions?
发布于 7 年前Anyone can fork this addon from this site :) I don't upload because this is addon created for themselves (with same restrictions) and have really things in code what cause a shame (but it work as expected and I don't change this); maybe one day it happened. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13440303,7 年前Thank you for this add-on.
Can you please add "Open All in Tabs" button to folders (in addition to 3 existing buttons: edit URL, reload, remove), as in the Bookmarks menu?
And this button should be visible always (i.e. not affected by "Show dial edit buttons only with 'gear'" option).开发者回应
发布于 7 年前You can just use Ctrl+Left Mouse Click on folders for open all in tabs. I don't think what this is would be good change because it may lead to accidentally opening all bookmarks. 开发者回应
发布于 7 年前It's two point why this is impossible.
First: I don't think what this is good idea, because it absolutelly another GUI.
Second (and mostly important): it impossible because FF for Android doesn't support bookmarks API (take a look table "Browser compatibility" )- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13341710,7 年前Buena extensión para página de inicio. Le falta el poder abrir todas las pestañas de un grupo con un solo click.
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12274245,7 年前Great addon and very powerful. Good job, AKAPON.
Please add the option to remove the context menu entry of your addon. Most users change the Speed Dial very seldom once it is set up but the context menu entry takes up space everyday even if you don't need it. That doesn't make much sense to me. :)
And please consider opening a subreddit (and link it!) where the users can discuss and share styles and tips for your addon. I think that would save you some work.
Keep up the good work!
I have created
People can use it however they see fit.开发者回应
发布于 7 年前I added option for disabling context menu on about:addons page in 0.1.30.
About subreddit... I do not use social networks like reddit, twitters, etc and I not very communicative. If you wish you may create this ourselves and I'd add hyperlink to description as unofficial users forum. - 评分 5 / 5来自 arhist,7 年前so that my image fits into the tile, I had to use the code:
.container table tr td img {
margin: auto!important;
max-width: 100%!important;
max-height: 100%!important;
width: auto!important;
height: auto!important;
发布于 7 年前I use cropping images bottom because browser.tabs.captureVisibleTab don't have fields for determinating proportions of creating images. I added your userstyle to description. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Krisada,7 年前I have issue with newly added dial image loading. Dial image from file revert back to webpage thumbnail after reload dial images.
发布于 7 年前Webextensions is not provide direct access from filesystem.
And this is only one loading logic:
Left click: reload from site
Right click: submenu for alternate one time loading methods (or for removing)
On this moment saving structure:
{bookmarkid: dialimage}.
Maybe in future I extend this to:
{bookmarkid: {dialimage: dialimage, dialimageorigin: fromurl}} but it changed only "reload all dials in dialgroup" logic.
But it is probably in future, because it is very rare pattern for me (I created this ext after dead of Speed Dial by Josep del Rio basically for yourself because some different Dials ([]) seems to me as malware). 开发者回应
发布于 7 年前I do not think that this is possible inside webextension.
But you can do it yourself.
If you use Firefox <57 just copy url from URLbar and paste on about:preferences page as home page.
If you use 57:
1. Open about:debugging page and copy UUID of "Bookmarked Speed Dial"
2. Open about:preferences page and paste as home page
moz-extension://your-UUID/data/index.html- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13289055,8 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13266326,8 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Tangenta,8 年前Yeah, trully amazing fork. Much better than original.
Thank you very much for this beautiful extension, mister.
Keep up the great work.