Copy as Python Requests 版本历史 - 2 个版本
Copy as Python Requests 作者: Peace-Maker
Copy as Python Requests 版本历史 - 2 个版本
版本 1.1
发布于 2023年1月16日 - 21.36 KB适用于 firefox 55.0 及更高版本## [1.1.0] - 2023-01-16
### Added
- Add option to quickly disable the whole filter lists.
- Add option to render params, headers, cookies etc on separate lines.
### Changed
- Removed unneeded `host` permission. Apparently the devtools permission is enough to read the network HAR.
- Sort requests by start date if they aren't already.
### Fixed
- Fixed generating of `multipart/form-data` postData when the params aren't available in a pre-parsed form in the HAR.
- Fixed extension losing connection to devtools after some time of inactivity.源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
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