Copy Leetcode Problem 版本历史 - 2 个版本
Copy Leetcode Problem 作者: Koruto
Copy Leetcode Problem 版本历史 - 2 个版本
版本 1.1
发布于 2024年8月10日 - 42.73 KB适用于 firefox 58.0 及更高版本Version: 1.2.0
New Features:
DOM Content Load Handling:
The content script now waits for the DOM to be fully loaded before executing. This ensures that the LeetCode question title and description are reliably captured, even on slower connections or complex pages.
Introduced a DOMContentLoaded event listener in the background script to trigger the injection and execution of the content script only after the DOM has loaded. This reduces the likelihood of errors caused by attempting to access elements that haven't been rendered yet.
UI/UX Improvements:
Loading Indicator:
Updated the browser action icon to change to a "loading" icon immediately after the button is clicked. This provides visual feedback to users, indicating that the extension is processing their request.
The icon reverts to either a success or error icon based on the result of the clipboard operation, offering clear and immediate feedback.
Error Handling:
Improved error handling and logging in both the background and content scripts. Users will now see more descriptive error messages if the LeetCode question title or description fails to load.
Additional checks were added to ensure that the extension gracefully handles scenarios where the DOM is not ready or when expected elements are not found.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue where the extension might attempt to execute before the DOM is fully loaded, resulting in errors or incomplete data capture.
Resolved minor issues with clipboard operations not providing immediate feedback in certain edge cases.
Other Changes:
Refactored code to improve readability and maintainability, including separating concerns between the background script and content script more clearly.源代码遵循 仅 GNU 宽通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
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