EPUBReader 的评价
EPUBReader 作者: epubreader
75 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14997220,6 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14899158,6 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12861017,6 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13531201,7 年前Not working in last Firefox. Epub file only donwloads not open in extencion.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14049696,7 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Isaiah Odhner,7 年前Interface seems like it's for mobile only.
A lightbulb icon looks like it would be a dark mode switch but no, it opens up a FAQ.
Settings make it too easy to set a background without changing the text color (The options aren't next to each other, and the default custom color scheme is black on black. What would be really nice is a dropdown of a few color schemes on the scale of light and dark, with the option to make a custom scheme.)
In the "Website" reading mode, a cover image was displayed absolutely bonkers huge, filling the width of the screen even tho it's 324x500 (small, so it was really pixely, and tall, meaning it didn't even fit on the screen because the size was based solely on the width).
Finally, nail in the coffin, "The ebook is incomplete and can unfortunately not be opened." (even tho it did open it at first, and showed at least the table of contents and part of the first chapter) - 评分 1 / 5来自 DJ,7 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13670990,7 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13471944,7 年前Me gustaba más la versión antigua. Cuanto te descargabas algún libro se metía directamente alli y con el nombre del libro no con el número que le daban en la página. Los tenías todos juntos con sus títulos y sólo tenías que acceder a ese libro para empezar a leer. Al poner la versión nueva se han ido todos los libros que tenía archivados ahí. No viene numero de pagina no sé si en todos los libros.
En fin, no he probado mucho porque estaba acostumbrada al otro pero lo poco que he visto, me gusta menos. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13087722,7 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Dzeni,7 年前I have created an ePub for my students to use which includes embedded video. This add-on would be a tool of last resort as it does not display the background colour in my emphasis boxes which makes it of extremely limited use. Also, there is not 'bookshelf' and users have to load the book into the reader every time which is unsatisfactory. Finally, the settings are hidden at the bottom of the screen and figuring out how to make the ePub display as one column instead of two was too hard.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 M. Bader,7 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13363384,7 年前The user interface is garbage (for lack of better words). Having an autohide bar along with a separate page for the table of contents. Instead of using a sidebar for showing sections, it displays a separate page, which is incredibly dumb. Michael seems to use this as nothing more than a parser for epubs, and does not give a damn about continued usage or usability. When you launch fullscreen, it doesn't expand either and the content is stuck in a box. The options are garbage. This does not deserve any high ratings from actual users.
I advise everyone to install calibre instead of putting up with this waste of time garbage addon. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Woof, woof!,8 年前It's not user-friendly at all. It's awkward to use. Buttons are automatically hidden with ugly big icon that we have no idea what they are unless clicked.
What's even worst is that we have to select a book EVERY TIME WE WANT TO READ from our files.
Uninstalled. It's not even useful anymore. There are plenty of other add-ons out there that actually have common sense. This is a really bad design. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13145410,8 年前It's a shame, first the author kept begging and begging with popup screens for funding his kickstarter (even though it said it would only show once). The kickstarter succeeded, the new version is here. But it's terrible. In every way. The UI is a complete mess, downloading epubs doesn't even work on most browsers, the controls are even worse and try to emulate touchscreen controls on a desktop (WHY??) It's a big disappointment.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13116771,8 年前Cette nouvelle version n'accomplit pas ce qu'offrait l'ancienne version. L'interface est mal pensé et rend la lecture désagréable. Il n'y a plus de catalogue des epubs possibles. Je suis déçue.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Makenni,8 年前The current version of this add-on has serious flaws with both the UI and its operation. I'm had to switch back to using which is available if you look in version history. The older version is very nice and much more usable.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13100842,8 年前La nouvelle version est nulle. On perd tous les avantages de l’ancienne et on en gagne aucun.
Il ne faut surtout pas l'installer ! - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13098398,8 年前I've used the EPUBReader for years and absolutely loved it. Now they've updated it and I'm looking for alternatives. This version is horrible. My catalogue is gone. I can't just click on a book anymore, every time I want to read a new book, I have to search for it on my computer.
I also can't just click on a epub download and it opens automatically in the epubreader. Instead I have to save it, open the epubreader and then search for my book.
The new layout is horrible as well. I can't change the layout anymore, or the font or the text size. Instead three entire book pages are squeezed into the screen next to each other. That's awful and does not encourage any reading.
Seriously, what were you guys thinking? I will de-install this programm and NEVER use it again. - 评分 1 / 5来自 bloodredrosez,8 年前I've used Epubreader for years and it has always been reliable and so simple to use that even my non-tech-savvy grandma could figure it out. With the latest version, I can't even figure out how to save an ebook or where my ebook list went. I got the ever so helpful message that I can click on the center of the book and "save ebook" except there is no option for this. Ridiculous and absolutely NOT user friendly.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13091255,8 年前I loved the old addon because you can have a list of ebooks when you click on epub catalog.
Now this new version is forcing me to open epubs everytime by clicking on that button in the middle of the screen.
Before, you used to open epub by setting firefox as default. Not anymore with the new version! I am getting a save this file dialog when I do that with the new version.
Not to mention, I have no idea how this thing even works. There is no user friendly way to access the options available for this addon.
I uninstalled the new version and have gone back to old version. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13084664,8 年前The interface of the new version is counterintuitive - a single bar with a folder+arrow is inadequate. Other controls come up at the bottom but seemingly at random. The full menu should load at all times as in version 1.5.
The new version takes up the entire page, won't open all epubs (version 1.5 did), and displays an ugly address in the address bar.
I have trouble selecting text in the new version and I will be darned if I can get the table of contents back on the left side.
I feel badly for leaving this review, but I had to downgrade to 1.5 so I could read my books again.
_P - 评分 1 / 5来自 ljonya,8 年前It became impossible to select text at the edges, because the reader thinks that I want to flip through the pages. In the column mode, the height of the add-ons is not taken into account. There is no more table of content on the right of the book. Everything became simply awful.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13079762,8 年前Hate to say it, but this update really sucks. I lost my bookmarks, I can't click on a file & automatically load it, and I can't see the Table of Contents to the side. Very unfriendly.