exSTATic 版本历史 - 8 个版本
版本 0.0.10
发布于 2024年3月3日 - 8.57 MB适用于 firefox 109.0a1 及更高版本Small fixes ontop of 0.0.9:
* Extension can access the insecure ws websocket's used locally
* Installing the extension refreshes extension tabs to avoid multiple injections into the same page duping content
* Settings button on VN page源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
下载 Firefox 并安装扩展您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展较早版本
版本 0.0.8
发布于 2023年2月27日 - 8.54 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Just a small update to fix a few issues people have reported with exSTATic over the past few months:
* VN title now being displayed in tab title (for yomichan mining setups)
* Firefox download's work again
* New lines are placed in the markup at the start and end of lines so yomichan can parse text without problems
* Agent translated text is ignored as-expected源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.0.7
发布于 2022年11月14日 - 8.54 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Maintenance updates for Cross Browser support源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.0.6
发布于 2022年10月29日 - 12.64 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Huge update which is the precursor to official exSTATic TTU (ebook) support
You can now import and export stats between devices without worrying about your stats incorrectly updating
Unfortunately because this update is so big it requires a complete reset of exSTATic's extension storage 🥹
Before installing this extension, create a stats backup from all your devices and manually combine them together
After this import stats into one browser, export a new dump and import that into any other devices/browsers you use
You should be all good to import/export anything from then on!
Various small bugs were also fixed/features added, this includes:
* Preventing exSTATic from crashing when Textractor/Agent aren't on (can be left open in the background now)
* Switching to the next page on manga starts the timer if it's paused
* Dates displayed on stats popup again like expected
* Hours and minutes read on stats popup is now formatted源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.0.5
发布于 2022年9月17日 - 12.61 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Restructured stats and added in a streak/consistency calendar graph源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.0.4
发布于 2022年9月14日 - 12.61 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Fixed max line count not working源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.0.3
发布于 2022年8月22日 - 12.61 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Fixed a few small bugs and made some minor changes to the code (stats page now doesn't load graphs for periods of time you were inactive for)源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布