Gizoogle 版本历史 - 6 个版本
Gizoogle 作者: Gizoogle 2.0
Gizoogle 版本历史 - 6 个版本
- 下载 Firefox 并安装扩展您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展
发布于 2017年9月11日 - 221.2 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本2.0.6
- Added option to have transizlations affect frames (and nested frames-in-frames) within websites (previously this was the default functionality in Firefox version but removed in the 2.0.5 conversion)
- Stopped the translator from creating vowel+izzles, which didn't make sense (aizzy, aizzle, etc)
- Fixed: Added special case for 2-syllable words to prevent words from getting completely replaced with izzle
- Added a small change to the easter-egg depending on if Classic Mode is enabled
- Added 1 new quote from Snoop Dogg's twitter feed
Version Fixes auto-transizlate affecting the wrong tab when a tab is opened in the background (accidentally affected the current tab instead of the tab that just loaded)源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v2.0 发布
版本 2.0.6
发布于 2017年9月9日 - 221.2 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本2.0.6
- Added option to have transizlations affect frames (and nested frames-in-frames) within websites (previously this was the default functionality in Firefox version but removed in the 2.0.5 conversion)
- Stopped the translator from creating vowel+izzles, which didn't make sense (aizzy, aizzle, etc)
- Fixed: Added special case for 2-syllable words to prevent words from getting completely replaced with izzle
- Added a small change to the easter-egg depending on if Classic Mode is enabled
- Added 1 new quote from Snoop Dogg's twitter feed源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v2.0 发布
发布于 2016年12月17日 - 220.89 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Version 2.0.5:
- Izzles now occur in random positions rather than fixed syllables using a new formula, except in Classic Mode
- Added exceptions to prevent some links ending in “.htm” and “.html” from getting transizlated
- Converted addon to the webextension system to make it work with multiprocess FF (version 48+)
- UI changes; the options page now looks like the Chrome version’s instead of the old one which is not compatible with the new webextension system
- Added 1 missing “-er noun” word, removed 1 duplicate
- Added 1 new quote
Version Fixes the first-time page not appearing when installing the addon.
Version Fixes the link for the textilizer.源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v2.0 发布
发布于 2016年12月17日 - 220.9 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Version 2.0.5:
- Izzles now occur in random positions rather than fixed syllables using a new formula, except in Classic Mode
- Added exceptions to prevent some links ending in “.htm” and “.html” from getting transizlated
- Converted addon to the webextension system to make it work with multiprocess FF (version 48+)
- UI changes; the options page now looks like the Chrome version’s instead of the old one which is not compatible with the new webextension system
- Added 1 missing “-er noun” word, removed 1 duplicate
- Added 1 new quote
Version Fixes the first-time page not appearing when installing the addon.源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v2.0 发布
发布于 2016年12月16日 - 220.9 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本, android 48.0 至 68.*Version 2.0.5:
- Izzles now occur in random positions rather than fixed syllables using a new formula, except in Classic Mode
- Added exceptions to prevent some links ending in “.htm” and “.html” from getting transizlated
- Converted addon to the webextension system to make it work with multiprocess FF (version 48+)
- UI changes; the options page now looks like the Chrome version’s instead of the old one which is not compatible with the new webextension system
- Added 1 missing “-er noun” word, removed 1 duplicate
- Added 1 new quote源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v2.0 发布