![Hacker News Next 预览](https://addons.mozilla.org/static-server/img/addon-icons/default-64.d144b50f2bb8.png)
Hacker News Next 作者: Analog
Go to the next newest unread article on hacker news.
您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展
Jump to the next newest unread (by you) link on https://news.ycombinator.com/
F8 - go to the next newest unread link on hacker news.
F9 - go to the comments for the link you are currently on.
There is also a gui that allows you to rate the site you are on, and this is mostly for a v2 of this plugin that will use a Bayesian filter or some sort of ML categorizer to figure out if you will actually like the link before sending you to it.
also coming in v 1.5 a way to block sites you don't want to go to.
F8 - go to the next newest unread link on hacker news.
F9 - go to the comments for the link you are currently on.
There is also a gui that allows you to rate the site you are on, and this is mostly for a v2 of this plugin that will use a Bayesian filter or some sort of ML categorizer to figure out if you will actually like the link before sending you to it.
also coming in v 1.5 a way to block sites you don't want to go to.
- 存取浏览器标签页
1.1 的发布说明
- reload the list of stories every 10min
Analog 制作的更多扩展
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分