Hue Chess 版本历史 - 3 个版本
Hue Chess 作者: prefabcode
Hue Chess 版本历史 - 3 个版本
版本 0.9.4
发布于 2024年12月22日 - 1.76 MB适用于 firefox 58.0 及更高版本Hue Chess Version 0.9.4
- Discover 3 new unlockable perks. Knight moves, King's Gambit, and Aggression.
- You will now gain additional Hue Points for going on win streaks. The longer the streaks, the more points!
- Unlocks for various perks have been slightly reordered to grant a new perk unlock after almost every level up!源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
下载 Firefox 并安装扩展您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展较早版本
版本 0.9.3
发布于 2024年11月24日 - 1.75 MB适用于 firefox 58.0 及更高版本**0.9.3 Changelog**
- Level cap reduced from 17 to 15 for a more seamless leveling experience.
- Gladiator perk unlocks at level 10 (down from 12).
- Berzerker perk unlocks at level 12 (down from 14).
- Versatility perk unlocks at level 14 (up from 12).
- Gambiteer now rewards slightly less hue points for balancing purposes.
- Fixed an issue with lichess icons being incorrect in the perk selection and extension settings menu.源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布