I don't care about cookies 的评价
I don't care about cookies 作者: Gen Digital Inc.
1,822 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13331583,2 年前Avast geht gar nicht.
Es gibt einen Fork
Mozilla bitte die Empfehlung löschen! - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13273970,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17569122,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12888370,2 年前My favourite add-on, together with uBlock Origin. Unfortunately, has sold out to commercial data-grabbing interests (Avast). Do NOT use this addon if you value any sort of privacy. Untrustworthy, and should lose its 'recommended' label ASAP.
Furthermore, I don't buy the developer's argument that the add-on still does what it's supposed to do. The goal of accepting minimal cookies is to minimize privacy concerns. A useless and, frankly, absurd feature when the new ownership has quite the shady past in the data mining department. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Runa,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Finn10111,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Olivier_92,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 nepvee,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 n-Heptan,2 年前Sadly this addon can't be trusted anymore. I know that the development of addons isn't really financially viable and that the addon will still work in the future. But selling out to a company like avast is really a punch in the face.
avast is such a trustworthy company that at one point firefox forbid their addons on this browser (german news article): https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Mozilla-blockiert-Firefox-Addons-von-Avast-und-AVG-4602939.html
"They show that the Avast antivirus program installed on a person's computer collects data, and that Jumpshot repackages it into various different products that are then sold to many of the largest companies in the world." (https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjdkq7/avast-antivirus-sells-user-browsing-data-investigation) - 评分 1 / 5来自 Sigma,2 年前A brilliant add-on that now simply can't be trusted as the developer sold it to Avast, a company with a shady history of selling user data to third parties, including browsing history, Google Maps GPS co-ordinates, lists of watched YouTube videos etc.
Just Google for "Avast user data" and you'll see why this acquisition is not great news for users of this add-on. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17568996,2 年前sold to avast, a snakeoil company who sell user data. avoid like the plague
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Morgan,2 年前Sorry but can't use it after being acquired by Avast. You can add a list to Ublock though https://www.i-dont-care-about-cookies.eu/abp/
Maybe if you open-sourced it people would reconsider - 评分 1 / 5来自 9cdfb439c7876e703e307864c9167a15,2 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 chris-vecchio,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Fennec,2 年前Got sold to Avast which is a snake oil salesman (antivirus vendor) that sells your private data.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Jumpy,2 年前Although this add-on will surely continue to work as it has always done in regards to removing cookie warnings.
The simple fact that it's been acquired by Avast Software s.r.o., means concerns toward user data being sold and used without consent just skyrocketed.
From a usability point-of-view It's still a great add-on. But from a user privacy point-of-view it just hit rock bottom.
Personally I'm jumping ship and going with an alternative instead since I value my privacy. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15046301,2 年前Can't believe the creator sold out to a shitty company called Avast.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 126p enthusiast,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Gio,2 年前