一键给GCW上你的精英运动员朋友们点赞 作者: li2niu
Give kudos to your elite athletes friends in one click一键给你的精英运动员朋友们点赞
您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展
# GCW & Strava Kudo All
It's a Extension to give kudos to your elite athletes friends in one click in [GCW(Garmin Connect Web)](https://connect.garmin.com/modern/newsfeed) or [Strava](https://www.strava.com/dashboard)
## FAQ
### Where is the one click button?
- In GCW, it is on the up-right nav bar next to Upload Activities.
- In Strava, is on the up-right nav bar next to Subscribe or button
### Valid domains and urls
For GCW, these domains are valid
- https://connect.garmin.com/modern/newsfeed
- https://connect.garmin.cn/modern/newsfeed
- https://connectus.garmin.cn/modern/newsfeed
For Strava, only https://www.strava.com is valid.
### What is the kudos range?
It merely kudos the activity cards on your screen. If you want to do more, please scroll your screen and click the button on the nav bar.
### What is the points of kudos?
- Spread your love.
- Encourage your elite athletes friends.
### Can you support auto kudo?
Nope. Giving "kudos" to athletes one current screen in one click is already a very quick and efficient operation. Still, we need to retain some sense of ritual. If everything is automated, where is the fun in that?
## Support me
- <img src="https://img.buymeacoffee.com/button-api/?text=Buy me an energy gel&emoji=&slug=lichuanyi&button_colour=FFDD00&font_colour=000000&font_family=Comic&outline_colour=000000&coffee_colour=ffffff" />
It's a Extension to give kudos to your elite athletes friends in one click in [GCW(Garmin Connect Web)](https://connect.garmin.com/modern/newsfeed) or [Strava](https://www.strava.com/dashboard)
## FAQ
### Where is the one click button?
- In GCW, it is on the up-right nav bar next to Upload Activities.
- In Strava, is on the up-right nav bar next to Subscribe or button
### Valid domains and urls
For GCW, these domains are valid
- https://connect.garmin.com/modern/newsfeed
- https://connect.garmin.cn/modern/newsfeed
- https://connectus.garmin.cn/modern/newsfeed
For Strava, only https://www.strava.com is valid.
### What is the kudos range?
It merely kudos the activity cards on your screen. If you want to do more, please scroll your screen and click the button on the nav bar.
### What is the points of kudos?
- Spread your love.
- Encourage your elite athletes friends.
### Can you support auto kudo?
Nope. Giving "kudos" to athletes one current screen in one click is already a very quick and efficient operation. Still, we need to retain some sense of ritual. If everything is automated, where is the fun in that?
## Support me
- <img src="https://img.buymeacoffee.com/button-api/?text=Buy me an energy gel&emoji=&slug=lichuanyi&button_colour=FFDD00&font_colour=000000&font_family=Comic&outline_colour=000000&coffee_colour=ffffff" />
- 存取您在 strava.com 域名的数据
- 存取您在 connect.garmin.com 的数据
- 存取您在 connect.garmin.cn 的数据
- 存取您在 connectus.garmin.cn 的数据
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