Markdown Collector 版本历史 - 10 个版本
Markdown Collector 作者: Simon Benedict
Markdown Collector 版本历史 - 10 个版本
版本 1.3.6
发布于 2024年11月19日 - 180 KB适用于 firefox 79.0 及更高版本Fixed broken update 1.3.5源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
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版本 1.3.5
发布于 2024年11月17日 - 175.24 KB适用于 firefox 79.0 及更高版本1. Process Multiple Browser Tabs at Once:
- Select multiple tabs with Ctrl+Click or Ctrl+Shift
- Save them all with one click (Alt+I)
- Copy (and save) them all at once (Alt+C)
2. New Ways to Handle Multiple Tabs:
- Individual Mode: Apply the same refinement to each page
- Combined Mode: Merge all pages into one document and apply refinement
- Quick Save: Skip refinement by leaving the prompt empty源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 1.3.4
发布于 2024年10月18日 - 174.93 KB适用于 firefox 79.0 及更高版本1. New extension icon with improved resolutions
2. Added loading indicator for LLM refinement process源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 1.3.3
发布于 2024年10月18日 - 164.51 KB适用于 firefox 79.0 及更高版本1. Improved error handling for LLM refinement:
- Added clear notifications for API key and connection issues
- Better guidance when encountering setup problems
2. Enhanced settings page:
- New tooltips for API key and AI model settings
- Added a reset button for the OpenAI base URL
3. UI improvements:
- Updated notification colors for better visibility
4. General stability and performance enhancements源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 1.3.2
发布于 2024年10月17日 - 163.98 KB适用于 firefox 79.0 及更高版本1. New search functionality:
- Implemented search feature for markdown entries
- Added options to filter search by URL, Title, and Contents
- Real-time filtering of markdown entries as you type
2. Improved settings interface:
- Added warning for LLM refinement without content cleanup
- Implemented reset button for API base URL
3. Code restructuring and performance improvements:
- Reorganized JavaScript files into 'scripts/components/' directory
- Enhanced modularity with separate utility files for better maintainability
4. UI enhancements:
- Introduced new CSS variables for improved theming support
- Adjusted styles for better readability and consistency across light and dark themes源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 1.3.1
发布于 2024年10月15日 - 159.52 KB适用于 firefox 79.0 及更高版本Fix Alt+C (CopyAsMarkdown) to apply LLM refinement properly源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 1.3.0
发布于 2024年10月15日 - 159.45 KB适用于 firefox 79.0 及更高版本1. AI-powered content refinement:
- Integrated LLM (Language Model) for refining and structuring webpage content (enable in Settings)
- Added user interface for entering refinement prompts on URL save
2. New features:
- "Copy as Markdown" functionality Shortcut: Alt+C (was previously assigned to 'Open Collection')
- Customizable AI model selection in settings (local models supported too via Ollama, LMStudio etc.)
3. Improved user experience:
- Updated keyboard shortcuts (Alt+M for Open Collection)
- Added notifications for save/copy actions
4. Performance and stability:
- Refactored code for better maintainability
- Implemented user cancellation handling for save/copy processes源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 1.2.1
发布于 2024年10月14日 - 156.67 KB适用于 firefox 79.0 及更高版本1. UI Refinement:
- Refactored popup UI with improved styling for both light and dark themes
- Enhanced "How to use" accordion with clearer instructions and visual highlights
2. Project Rebranding:
- Renamed from "URL to Markdown" to "Website to Markdown" in the README
3. Usability Improvements:
- Streamlined popup layout for easier navigation源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 1.2
发布于 2024年10月12日 - 140.57 KB适用于 firefox 79.0 及更高版本1. Content Cleanup Feature:
- Integrated Readability.js for cleaner markdown conversions
- Added a toggle in settings to enable/disable content cleanup
2. Enhanced UI:
- Added a settings button in the markdown page
- Implemented an accordion-style usage instructions in the popup
- Improved button styles and colors
3. New Functionality:
- Added action buttons for updating and deleting entries in the markdown collection
- Improved diff modal for reviewing changes when updating content
4. Performance Improvements:
- Enhanced fetching functionality with better error handling
- Improved markdown conversion timeout handling
5. Settings Page:
- Created a new dedicated settings page accessible from the popup and markdown collection page源代码遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布