Middle Click On Page Closes Tab 版本历史 - 5 个版本
Middle Click On Page Closes Tab 作者: Geoffrey De Belie
Middle Click On Page Closes Tab 版本历史 - 5 个版本
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版本 2.0.0
发布于 2017年3月26日 - 24.72 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本* Make shortcut to enable autoscrolling in "on demand" mode customizable (changed default from Escape to Shift+Escape)
* Make options refresh on all pages after saving
* Rewrite options to make the UI clearer
* Change default tipping point value to 300ms
* Fix 1.0.0 regression: when "Never enable autoscrolling" is enabled, some tabs don't close on middle click
* Make the default for "Enable autoscrolling" the value "Never".
* Fix: when the page you're on has jQuery loaded, attempt to get the element listeners on the object you middle clicked on. If there are "click" event listeners on that object, execute the default action (which is probably opening a new tab). jQuery "click" event handlers on an element that is higher than 1000 units do not cancel Middle Click On Page Closes Tab.
* Add whitelist for autoscrolling (can also be used as a blacklist for the middle click function)
* Cancel event if any of the parent elements is an A tag.
* Add utils/keyutils.js源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 1.0.0
发布于 2017年3月11日 - 21.79 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Optionally allow autoscrolling, disabled by default, fixes bug 15
Check if the current pages was already closed to prevent two tabs (or more) from closing, fixes bug 16
Add an options page (requires new permission storage)
Add Escape shortcut to enable allowscrolling once on a page (might be changed in a future release - this feature is documented in the README) - requires new permission notifications源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 0.2.0
发布于 2017年3月10日 - 17.87 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本Disable autoscrolling源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布