Paper Memory 作者: Victor Schmidt
Automatically record papers you read from Arxiv, OpenReview & more! Organize your library with tags, links to code and quick notes.
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An automated, web-based and minimalist reference manager that also finds code repositories.
It is not meant to replace, rather complete more standard reference managers as Zotero etc.
This browser extension allows you to do automatically store research papers you read and much more:
1. 🏬 Automatically record papers you open, without clicking anywhere. You can then search them, tag them, comment them and link a code repository.
2. 💻 Automatically find code repositories using PapersWithCode's API
3. 🎬 Change a pdf's webpage title to the article's title, because who cares about that saved bookmark `1812.10889.pdf` when it could be `InstaGAN Instance-aware Image-to-Image Translation.pdf`
4. 🎫 BibTex citation: because citing papers should not be a hassle you can copy a BibTex citation to your clipboard or export the Memory itself as a `.bib` file
5. 🔗 Markdown link: `[title](url)` because it's the little things that make sharing a paper easier (to be used in issues, PRs, Readme, HackMD.io etc.)
6. 🗂 Direct download button with a nice name including the paper's title, so that you don't have to open the pdf's webpage and then download it from your browser.
7. 📄 Go back from a pdf to its abstract page (and vice versa). For instance: from `https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.06907.pdf` to `https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.06907` in a click.
8. 🏛️ **Download your data** as a `.json` file or a `.bib` full BibTex export
Supported venues:
* Arxiv
* BioRxiv
* NeurIPS
* Open Review (ICLR etc.)
* Computer Vision Foundation (I/ECCV, CVPR etc.)
* Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR) (AISTATS, ICML, CoRL, CoLT, ALT, UAI etc.)
Check out more the code, documentation, screenshots and share ideas at https://github.com/vict0rsch/PaperMemory
It is not meant to replace, rather complete more standard reference managers as Zotero etc.
This browser extension allows you to do automatically store research papers you read and much more:
1. 🏬 Automatically record papers you open, without clicking anywhere. You can then search them, tag them, comment them and link a code repository.
2. 💻 Automatically find code repositories using PapersWithCode's API
3. 🎬 Change a pdf's webpage title to the article's title, because who cares about that saved bookmark `1812.10889.pdf` when it could be `InstaGAN Instance-aware Image-to-Image Translation.pdf`
4. 🎫 BibTex citation: because citing papers should not be a hassle you can copy a BibTex citation to your clipboard or export the Memory itself as a `.bib` file
5. 🔗 Markdown link: `[title](url)` because it's the little things that make sharing a paper easier (to be used in issues, PRs, Readme, HackMD.io etc.)
6. 🗂 Direct download button with a nice name including the paper's title, so that you don't have to open the pdf's webpage and then download it from your browser.
7. 📄 Go back from a pdf to its abstract page (and vice versa). For instance: from `https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.06907.pdf` to `https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.06907` in a click.
8. 🏛️ **Download your data** as a `.json` file or a `.bib` full BibTex export
Supported venues:
* Arxiv
* BioRxiv
* NeurIPS
* Open Review (ICLR etc.)
* Computer Vision Foundation (I/ECCV, CVPR etc.)
* Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR) (AISTATS, ICML, CoRL, CoLT, ALT, UAI etc.)
Check out more the code, documentation, screenshots and share ideas at https://github.com/vict0rsch/PaperMemory
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1.0.2 的发布说明
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