Pinterest 儲存按鈕 的评价
Pinterest 儲存按鈕 作者: aperez, Esteban Quintana
148 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 SarahE,5 年前I used to love this - especially the hover button. But half the time I can't edit or add a description and now it's doing a thing where it doesn't use the url for my blog post - the pin will open the photo by itself on a page. I don't know how I'm supposed to use Pinterest to share my blog posts if the pins won't direct users to my blog. I also cannot edit the url of the pins like I used to be able to. There is no option to change it.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 martadmendes,5 年前Used to work fine until around a month ago. My boards don't show anymore and it also asks to make a new board which when I try to, it just says there was an error. Still happens after clearing cache and cookies. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling both the add-on and firefox. Happens in private windows as well. Happens on both windows and macOS. I'm using firefox 70.0 and add-on 4.0.91. I'll change the rating once it's fixed!
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Chanelshir,5 年前When saving a pin using this add-on, i can't anymore write a description. Now i have to save the pin first to my board and then go to and click on the board, the correct picture and the pencil-icon and then i can write on it. This problem has been going on for ages and Pinterest's help only responds in the same tiring, copy-paste response that clear your cache, shut down all my add-ons, change browser etc. Tried that like a "million times", but it doesn't help because the problem is not on my computer/browsers. It Pinterest's problem to solve, but nothing hasn't changed in months. And now when Firefox doesn't allow to use old versions of add-ons, i can't go back to one the working one version. There's also constantly similar types of problems on a regularly basis either with or this add-on.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13541515,5 年前Incredibly wonky applet, kept changing behaviors all the time... and just stopped working today, on all platforms and machines.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Emelote,5 年前I used to love this extension, now it doesn't see my boards when I try to use it. It also asks to make make a new board. Not sure how Pinterest broke this. :(
EDIT: I have the latest release of the button and my Firefox version is 68.0.1 (64-bit). I noticed this problem since the beginning of September.
EDIT - Sept 26: Yes still having the same issue with the new version.开发者回应
发布于 5 年前That sounds like we can't tell you're signed in. What version of the browser extension and Firefox are you using, please, and when did you first notice this problem?
EDIT: are you still seeing this problem with v4.0.89? - 评分 1 / 5来自 flowerbunnylove,6 年前This button used to work well, but it stopped working correctly. It's useless now.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15200079,6 年前Simply does not work. Clicking the button does not pull up a pin/save modal on any site I visit, including sites where it used to work (Wayfair, Amazon). Leaving an unfavorable review seems to be the best way to get developer eyes on this, so hopefully you fine folks can make this extension functional again. Feel free to reach out to me for browser specs.
发布于 6 年前When you say "the button," do you mean the button in browser chrome, or the hovering Save button on the site?
Yes, please, hardware and browser specs would be great.
I would very much like to talk to you and anyone else having trouble with the extension, as we have yet to be able to reproduce any of this. Please message me on Pinterest at @kentbrew and we'll get it sorted. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15160238,6 年前Like other users here I have been having issues with the Pinterest Save Button working off and on but with increasing frequency over the last few months. I've been in contact with their Support Team over the last week, but like others have mentioned, they don't seem too keen on actually fixing the issue.
The 1st person gave me a list of things to try, despite my having stated that I had already done so, & wanted me to send video as proof that I had done them. I sent screencaps & a more detailed description of the issue, including that there is a second account on the same computer, using Pinterest in the same manner, that is also having the same problems but didn't develop them at the same time/rate.
I was passed off to another member of the support team who seems to be convinced that I'm just not logged in, despite the screencap showing both my being logged in & the failed save screen in the same shot. They sent me a screenshot of them being logged into my account & successfully pulling up my boards as if they were going to pin a site, but when I went to do the same my boards ceased to exist in the pop-up (& yes, I was logged in. . .).
I don't know what the malfunction is, but apparently enough people are being effected that they need to make a mass announcement that it exists & that they are looking into it, then actually look into in instead of sending the same failed "solution" to the same people repeatedly.
Update 7/25
They decided, without telling me which browser or devices they were using that didn't recreate the problem, that they were done with me & closed my inquiry. So for anyone else that wants to contact them, make sure you find out what they're using to try to diagnose the issue.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Sorry to come in so late on this. Are you using the current version, 4.0.84? The metadata around your review suggests that you were on 4.0.83 when you left it.
I would very much like to talk to you and anyone else having trouble with the extension, as we have yet to be able to reproduce any of this. Please message me on Pinterest at @kentbrew and we'll get it sorted. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15158045,6 年前Has not worked for a very long time. I would open, but it didn't recognize that I have a Pinterest account, so I couldn't save anything to my current boards. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and now it does nothing. It used to be a great feature. Now it's worthless.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Mau13,6 年前In the past the button worked decently, now in a bad way!
Very frequently, the message 'Ops! Sorry, an error appears to have occurred. Please verify that you are logged in to Pinterest and try again. ' This support explains to you how to restore the functionality of the button:
- clear the Firefox cache
- uninstall the button
- reinstall the button
But are we crazy? Sounds like a joke!
At least try to find a solution to this bug would avoid the shame of being considered amateur programmers.
Otherwise, restore the old version that didn't give any problems!开发者回应
发布于 6 年前This morning's release may fix the faulty login error; please try again with v4.0.83 when you get it? - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15050415,6 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12021874,6 年前Essa bagaça não funciona, não aparece nenhuma opção, tela ou mensagem e clicar em cima do botão na barra de tarefas não faz nada. Em vez de refutar as reclamações consertem essa joça ou retirem ela.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Edelweiss4me,6 年前This button used to work prior to updates from Firefox. No matter what I do to fix it, it will not work. I keep getting an error message stating "Oops, something went wrong". Using Firefox 67.0.4 (64 bit) on Mac Mojave.
发布于 6 年前If you're seeing "oops, something went wrong" that's an API error trying to save the Pin. Can you please say more about the URL you're trying to save? - 评分 1 / 5来自 truthseeker,6 年前This add-on was great until recently, when it stopped working. I keep getting the same error message others have mentioned: "Sorry, something's not quite right here. Please check that you are logged into Pinterest and try again." I am logged in! Ok, so I logged off, cleared cache, removed and reinstalled the add-on, tried again many times, but no joy. I use Firefox version 67.0.4, MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6. I no longer use Ghostery. Wonder if there's a fix in the horizon...
Are you using more than one Pinterest account? No
Are you browsing in private mode? No
Are you using container tabs? No
Not sure what we'd talk about away from here. I'll tell what I do and have been doing for months till this button stopped working: I'd go to my Instagram page, click on a photo/post, click on the Pinterest Save button, a window would open up to give me options to save to my Pinterest account, and that was it—until I started getting the infamous "Sorry, something's not quite right here. Please check that you are logged into Pinterest and try again." I didn't do anything different, it just stopped working.
This doesn't happen with the new Pinterest button I'm using now. I'm guessing it's related to the way Firefox handles add-ons now, and for some reason yours isn't cutting it. Maybe check with them and the changes to their new version?开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Edited: This morning's release may fix the faulty login error; please try again with v4.0.83 when you get it?
We are working diligently to understand what's going on with this error. (You can definitely put Ghostery back; it is NOT the problem.) Some questions:
Are you using more than one Pinterest account?
Are you browsing in private mode?
Are you using container tabs?
Would you be willing to talk with me away from here to help sort this out? We have not yet been able to replicate this problem anywhere. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15074329,6 年前Doesn't work. I keep getting the same error message - "Sorry, something's not quite right here. Please check that you are logged into Pinterest and try again." Yes, I am logged into Pinterest. Cleared cache, tried again, same message. Refreshed both pages, tried again, same message. Logged off, logged back on, opened both pages in tabs again, same message. Firefox version 67.0.3, MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Are you using more than one Pinterest account? No
Are you browsing in private mode? No
Are you using container tabs? No
I gave up and downloaded someone else's.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前We are working diligently to understand what's going on with this error. Some questions:
Are you using more than one Pinterest account?
Are you browsing in private mode?
Are you using container tabs?
Would you be willing to talk with me away from here to help sort this out? We have not yet been able to replicate this problem anywhere. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15069511,6 年前Having the same experience as others. Ever since the update, it no longer works. It opens up the extension to pin the image but there are no boards available. It is empty. Only has the option to 'create board' but even if you do that it errors out. Definitely logged in to Pinterest in the browser. If you navigate to a site that has a 'pinit' action embedded on the image and use that it works fine (as normal). It is purely the browser extension that is no longer working (whether from the browser button or the browser added Pin save button overlay on images). Open the pin image showing empty with no boards to choose from and no ability to pin.
Have disabled all extensions = same error.
Cleared cache = same error.
Restarted computer = same error.Private browser (is allowed in there) = same error.
Disabled the extension and reinstalled multiple times = same error.
Running FF Developer Edition 68.0b8.
Pin version 4.0.82
Mac Sierra 10.12.6
Logged into multiple Pinterest accounts.
发布于 6 年前This sounds like we're confused about what Pinterest account you are signed in to. Would you please log out of all accounts, log back in to only one, and try again?
Also: do you have access to a non-developer version of Firefox? - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14423297,6 年前works then doesn't work. runs in mobile mode instead of desktop mode so adding content or #Tags is impossible. Ghostery has fully allowed Pinterest for tracking its is NOT the problem, Poor programming and blame game...
I have talked to someone from Pinterest about that and their page switching back and forth between mobile and desktop version at random, they could not fix it either it still happens until this day. The difference between mobile and desktop is that the mobile version a 'bar' follows you as you scroll through pins at the top & bottom of the screen the desktop version has it only at the top of the window. The top bar never goes away the one with search camera and three dots message balloon. The Home, Following, Notifications ,and Saved at the bottom on the screen come and goes...开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Hi, thanks for the review!
Any detail you could give besides "works then doesn't work" would be helpful, such as your OS and Firefox versions, the URL of the page you're trying to save, and how (browser button, hovering Save button, context menu) you are invoking the add-on.
I am not sure what "runs in mobile mode instead of desktop mode" is supposed to mean. Are you running the extension on mobile Firefox? Also not sure what "adding content or #Tags" means; unless you mean entering hashtags in pin descriptions, tags aren't really a thing on Pinterest.
I did not mean to come across as "blaming" Ghostery; I have mentioned it in replies becuase we've had at least one case of a user (in these reviews) who mentioned it as another installed add-on. I will count you as a reporter who is also using it, unless that's wrong.