Firefox Relay 的评价
Firefox Relay 作者: Firefox
78 条评价
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Markin,3 年前I am not a tech savvy user: I appreciate what this add-on is trying to do but cannot see a way to easily toggle it on and off. I have some trusted websites that I do not want an alias to be created for and I can't tell if its creating aliases for these sites or not.
发布于 3 年前Hi, if you click on the Firefox Relay add-on icon in the toolbar menu, then click the gear (settings) icon you can toggle on and off the relay icon. When it's off, in an email field you can right click to generate an email alias. Hope this helps! - 评分 2 / 5来自 JVN Tech,3 年前The extension insists on using my old Firefox account email. Currently my account is linked to another email, but whenever I try to log into Relay it shows my old account email.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 pennypacker,3 年前Provides a useful service, but implementation can be improved. Add-on allows you to generate a new alias from an email field, but this is a use case that is rare.
Much more common I would imagine is to choose an existing alias (from the maximum of 5 provided), and paste that alias into the email field (e.g. signing up for a newsletter). Add-on does not provide that, instead the user has to navigate to Firefox Relay web page, choose an alias, click on copy icon, change back to original tab, right-click the email field, and paste the alias.
6 separate actions, compared to one or two actions if you could right-click on the email field, move to the alias of interest, and click to select and paste.
Implementation is back to front (prioritising a rarely-used feature above an often-used feature) and needs fixing. UX seems to have been designed by developers, rather than humans (no slight against developers). - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15132101,3 年前The relay email was rejected by RYM ( Too bad. Seemed like a great idea!! Also, I see no way to set the Block or Forwarding elements. Suggestions please?
发布于 3 年前Thanks for letting us know about RYM. To enable/disable forwarding, you should see a toggle next to each alias at - 评分 2 / 5来自 Ivory,4 年前I installed it, and tried to connect to a site I already had an account on. When I click on the email address field to of my login, I cannot type anything anymore. I see only the Firefox RElay icon, even my password vault icon disapeared. I have no other choice but using Firefox relay, so I cannot even enter the email address I signed in with to change the address to a generated alias. I had to go to preference to unclick the option "Show relay Icon in email fields on website". Not practical at all.
发布于 3 年前Hi Ivory, I'm so sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue. We’d love to try and help resolve it for you. Would you feel comfortable sharing the website that you were trying to use? If so, could I kindly ask for you to open an issue in Github and post it there. We’ll take a look. Thank you! - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14391797,4 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16462109,4 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13723667,4 年前I like the idea but poorly done. It should list all the email address I have. I should not have to open other page.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12697772,4 年前Thank you for your reply.
I have 5 different aliases, each one associated to one Relay email account.
My problem is: No matter what Relay email account I use (and, therefore, what alias associated to it), the forwarded emails are always named after the first alias I ever used.
For instance, I have an alias "idealista" for the website and another alias "wallapop" for the website, each alias associated to different Relay email accounts, emails from wallapop will invariable be headed as "idealista".
Thank you.
I love this extension but I give 2 stars (for now) because it keeps labeling ALL the emails I get from ALL my aliases after the first nickname I gave to my first alias. I don't know if I'm explaining myself clearly.开发者回应
发布于 4 年前Hi, sorry you're having trouble. Can you describe in more detail the exact steps of the problem you're having? - 评分 2 / 5来自 drosseros,4 年前Until Mozilla makes existing emails accesible via right click, I only give 2 stars. There is a create button which you do it once but email you'll always use is hidden. Please hire new UI/UX designer.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13965393,4 年前Great idea! I haven't actually tried it yet and I'm going to disable it. It's very frequently interfering with the usual "remembered" email addresses/passwords on websites. Specifically, visit a site, email address and password are filled in, click "login" or equivalent, site responds with "enter a valid email address". Sometimes I cannot get past that - I have found a workaround by accident - click twice. So until this add-on matures, I'll leave on the back burner . . .
发布于 4 年前Hmm ... you might try disabling the icon in email fields. There's a setting for it in the add-on. Called "Show Relay icon in email fields on websites" - 评分 2 / 5来自 S200,4 年前Probando la nueva herramienta, en varias webs. Con problema en la activacion para la autenticación de dos factores, utilizando el correo con el subdomino en la confirmacion de la dirección del correo Realy sin recibir el correo de confirmacion en la bandeja de entrada.
1. El administrador de contraseñas podria utilizarse para guardar los codigos.
Sin la posibilidad de probarlo:
2. En Wifi´s publicas para el acceso a bibliotecas, aeropuertos, hoteles, otros lugares publicos en caso de no querer utilizar una conexion enrutada (*VPN encriptada), relay podria ser una buena opcion.
Utilizando la misma direccion de correo en varias Web. - 评分 2 / 5来自 TeresaS,4 年前My main problem with this add on is that the icon can't be turned off and is right on top of the icon to login with my password manager. I have only used it once... I am thinking about deleting over this issue.
I read your response and have already tried this, but the slider does not move - it stays blue or on no matter what I do. So I can't turn it off. - 评分 2 / 5来自 hokonch,4 年前Firefox Relay haven't been comfortable yet in Japan. I have experienced not receiving many emails from Japanese websites. So, I tested Firefox Relay on popular Japanese sites. Among 20 websites selected from SimilarWeb top websites ranking in Japan, I failed to sign up 11 Websites.
追記: ドコモメールもYahoo!メール (もちろん の方です) もRelayアドレスに送信すると不通になりますね。 - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12125742,4 年前I cannot disable that the icon is shown on each input field.
Why can't I just use an existing alias? Why only a button to create a new alias? - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14350211,5 年前便利なんですが、転送されてきたメールで相手のメールアドレスがわからないのはどうしたものか...
It's convenient. However, you can't know to know the email address of the person to whom the forwarded email is coming from. That's a complaint.
And I thought it would be even better if I could write memos and so on to the alias I created in the alias management screen. I hope the maximum number of aliases will be increased in the future.开发者回应
发布于 5 年前Thanks for the feedback and sorry to reply in English. We are working through some issues with non-Latin character sets. We should have a solution soon. We have an item in our backlog to allow you to annotate email aliases with additional information. And yes, we will offer a version that provides more than 5 email aliases. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Фугас Броколя,5 年前Firefox Relay Service and Unicode escape sequence.
That's what I get:
It's "Hello" in Cyrillic.
It was "Body" of email. Google Mail.
Also, answer notification came to me directly to my main mail (not relay) and contains this:
We & #39 ;re
& quot; From & quot;, & quot;Subject & quot;, or & quot;Body & quot; of the email?
Idk is that google, mozilla or both.开发者回应
发布于 5 年前We just deployed a new release which should fix this issue. If it does, can you let us know here? (And maybe update your review so other users will also know it's working?) - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16239002,5 年前По этой ссылке скриншот того, как пришло письмо после прогона через Релэй , не спам и не вирусы
- 评分 2 / 5来自 scram,5 年前A small downside to this addon, it should be possible from an email field to choose the temporary address already saved in the browser.
But I see that you can only create new addresses via the icon in the field.
if I want to take back a temporary email address already registered, I have to go in the address management to make a copy/paste.
FR: petit bémol a cette addon, il devrait-être possible a partir d'un champ email de choisir les adresse temporaire déja enregistrée dans le navigateur.
Or je constate que l'on ne peut que créer des nouvelles adresse via l'icone présente dans le champ.
si je souhaite reprendre une adresse email temporaire déja inscrite, il faut que j'aille dans la gestion des adresses pour faire un copié/collé. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Ed,5 年前I love the idea! Unfortunately the site I was trying to use it on ( didn't seem to think that the * address was an actual email address and prompted me to enter one over and over again.
So for now I cannot give it a better rating, but I will gladly change it if I was somehow mistaken, the issue is not with firefox relay, or the issue is fixed.
EDIT: keep up the good work! - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13658990,5 年前This is an awesome idea but having a limit of 5 alias is a huge problem. I would like to give out unique email address or categorized email address to different services. If the 5 alias limit is lifted I think this would be a great service.