Firefox Relay 的评价
Firefox Relay 作者: Firefox
157 条评价
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16636355,4 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 vldr,4 年前The idea and fact that mozilla offers this is admirable of course. But the actual implementation makes it useless (at least for my purposes) and not worth installing an extension for.
The limitations:
- max 5 aliases
- not able to choose where emails get relayed to - 评分 3 / 5来自 BirchTreeCoconut,4 年前Why can't I just simply copy my relay address, why should i click on the add-on icon, click "Manage All ALiases", go to a new tab and copy it from there? I have Relay icon literally near of e-mail form, it MUST show my aliases by click.
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Atrazine,4 年前+ Alias email addresses created on-the-fly as well as in the alias management tab
+ Automatic and manual tagging of aliases with where they are used
- inability to influence the naming of the cryptic alias
- Create-alias symbol in email fields disrupts password manager auto-type features, like in KeePass. This is because the symbol is included in the field order and thus accessible with the keyboard TAB- and SPACE-keys. Workaround: add an auto-type entry to compensate when FF Relay is active.
- No ability to use the alias to respond to received messages - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16542121,4 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Rob,4 年前Unfortunately Firefox Relay uses Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES). I despise Amazon and everything that they and Jeff Bezos stand for. Personally I do not do any business with Amazon and that includes Amazon AWS, and I wish that Firefox/Mozilla would find a better alternative for the core email service it is based on. Perhaps protonmail from Switzerland could provide this, which would be much better and ethically acceptable.
Regarding this add-on: The add-on works fine, but doesn't really add much useful functionality apart from being able to register an alias for relay addresses. The relay icon in any form field that accepts email is something that doesn't add anything for me, but it can be switched off. Instead of this add-on I prefer to use firefox lockwise for the usernames or email addreses and optionally the passwords.
Regarding Firefox Relay service: The number of 5 relay addresses is too little for my use case, also it would be good functionality that after switching off forwarding you'd be able to create a new relay address.
Some users have reported that some websites incorrectly assume these addresses to be temporary email. I believe this comes from the randomised hash in front of the @ sign. This could be circumvented by allowing manual entry of (part of) a username in a relay address. - 评分 3 / 5来自 kokelolw,4 年前la verdad no le encuentro tanta funcionalidad tenerla si solo es para es generarlos cuando puedes hacerlo en la pagina
- 评分 3 / 5来自 livedehtfoeman,4 年前Great idea, but txwo major flaws in the implementation:
- No way to quickly access existing / generate new email aliases from extension icon (it should display 1/ nb of aliases 2/ existing aliases 3/ generate new alias.)
- Relay icon on email fields clashes with password manager icon. - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14873611,4 年前Awesome, just one HUGE improvement suggestion. On the button to add a Relay email, add the option to select from the already created aliases. Having click on the extension, manage aliases, copy the wanted alias, then go back to the tab and paste it is unnecessarily complicated.
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14066756,4 年前 fails DMARC on postfix MTA just like all other mails sent from via amazonses service so this will only work for me until DMARC is enforced
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13453342,4 年前Great idea. However, the first email I've received through this service seems to have been garbled due to encoding problems?开发者回应
发布于 4 年前We just deployed a new release which should fix this issue. If it does, can you let us know here? (And maybe update your review so other users will also know it's working?) - 评分 3 / 5来自 Yatt,4 年前It would be great if whenever I click on the relay icon on the taskbar to display the list of aliases instead of clicking on the icon then clicking on manange my all aliases which will take me to a new tab just to copy my aliases.
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16240798,4 年前Know this is probably not the Place (though believe it is relevant) but would the Developer mind responding to Review by: juan riccio posted nearby.
Not a user yet but am very interested in this. Tnx (3 Star for Middle of the Road, Had to install to review, Had to rate to Review,,,I think. Thank you Again) - 评分 3 / 5来自 Ince Hamza,4 年前I love it, but some bugs are really annoying.
It ruins lot of input fields, even basic website such as Google. I can't wait for improvement, really nice extension. :) - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13619449,4 年前Like others have said - I love the idea, but just doesn't work for enough sites that I want it for (mostly social media or adult-oriented websites).
Update - doesn't work with Flickr - 评分 3 / 5来自 Cosmic_Annihilation,5 年前This service is a great idea in principle and I hope it helps funding Firefox. But I already found sites that are blocking these alias email addresses, probably because it's too easy to simply block the domain. I'm not directly blaming Mozilla for this but hopefully new versions of the service will make it harder for sites to block the aliases.
- 评分 3 / 5来自 tinytoast,5 年前The idea of a relay junkmail with option to enable/disable redirection is excellent!
However, I find the addon and the user experience to be near useless.
BEST UX practice:
1. Click on email field, addon suggests to input relay address.
2. Click on any alias, it gets submitted to field. Nice and easy.
Current flow:
1. Click email field, addons says "You have X aliases left", only "Manage" button available;
2. Click Manage, get redirected to Mozilla sign in page;
3. Sign in to Mozilla;
4. Manually copy alias from the list;
5. Go back to page with email field;
6. Manually paste the alias.开发者回应
发布于 5 年前Several Relay users have suggested similar enhancements and we have this use case on our roadmap. Thanks for taking the time to leave such detailed feedback. - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13289131,5 年前Great idea. Unfortunately, the beta refuses to safe preferences (specifically the setting to stop replacing all email fields on websites). This makes it difficult-to-impossible to log in to some sites.
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16230687,5 年前Love the idea here, but have a problem with encoded emails.
I receive emails in Hebrew, but the relayed emails appear Jibrish. I assume the relay does not work will for encoded languages.开发者回应
发布于 5 年前We just deployed a new release which should fix this issue. If it does, can you let us know here? (And maybe update your review so other users will also know it's working?) - 评分 3 / 5来自 The_Blinded,5 年前Estensione quasi inutile... Problemi più gravi:
- Manca la possibilità di visualizzare le email bloccate
- Manca la possibilità di poter scrivere delle note vicino agli indirizzi (es. il sito dove è stato usato etc.)
- Non si può cambiare l'indirizzo email a cui vengono inviate le email - 评分 3 / 5来自 Pit,5 年前I wanted to try to register to using relay and the address is blocked.
I really didn't want to write a review yet as I couldn't play with it enough, but this is the only way to contact you. - 评分 3 / 5来自 Tyler Regas,5 年前Nice. I like the idea. I get the idea of having just a few while they're testing it, but I don't understand why the data on the site (i.e., your aliases) don't show up in the add-on. All we get it this crummy features slider and no way to turn it off or even make the tool usable, aside from trying to jam that huge logo into a small text field. I look forward to simple improvements.
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Tom,5 年前I can't enter text in the email field on this page when the extension is installed. Apparently reviews are the only way to send feedback like this?
发布于 5 年前Thanks for the input. I filed an issue on GitHub here: - 评分 3 / 5来自 jaxx,5 年前relay icon next to email field is in the tab navigation order between login and password field on some sites. Sadly this breaks my password manager. Please consider to rework this behavior.
Thx for the reply, I'm using Keepass 2.x But it should be the same with every password manager which uses Keyboard emulation.开发者回应
发布于 5 年前We're working on a fix for this issue. Would you be willing to update your feedback to let us know what password manager you use?